Pokemon RP Destiny

by Pinoyz
New Pokemon Game,Join now, visit FOrums!!!

Game Is Workin on a Newer Version so you might find some bugs in game.(report it not abuse it)

.::Player Rules::.

*No Caps in OOC (Results in Mute/Boot)
*No Swearing in OOC (Results in Mute/Boot)
*No Random catching(result in boot)
*Do Not Spam (Results in Mute/Boot)
*No EZ training (Results in Boot/Ban)
*Do NOT give pokemon HTML Or Color Names
(Results in Forced Rename/Deletion)
*Afk Training is considered cheating (IF ABUSED, Results in Wipe/Ban)
*No blocking pathways (Results in Boot/Ban)
*Be polite to all players

.::GM Rules::.

*Keep Announcements to a minimum
*Refrain from Booting without reason
*Events must be approved by Co-owner or Owner prior to event.
*Try to avoid argument that will cause abuse
*Dont abuse power for fun
*Help other Players,Gm caught doing nothin, and not helping others will be warned and if he/she does it again he/she will be automatically kicked out of his/her position.
*have Fun





Master Dread

Master Dread

-GFX artist(ones who can make banners)-

-Hosting Provider-

Copyright © 2008-2009 To their respected owners.