Deviant Dungeons
Game Staff
Total Members: 3
Coder: Mystical
Forum Maker/GM¹: Valariz
GFX Artist/GM²: Rarokko
Iconner: Looking
Webmaster Looking
Rules! (Read before you Play)
1. Respect all GM's and Staff Members!
2. Do not swear!
3. Dont spam!
4. Dont choose Offensive or racial Nicknames
5. If you find a bug, REPORT it to a GM/Staff member, dont abuse it
6. And most important, HAVE FUN!!!
Game Progress
Total Progress: 005%
Icons: 5%
Map: 5%
Classes: 5%
Skills: 0%
Others: 2%
![]() May 18 2007, 10:00 pm