I, Metroid, lost the code to this game =( So the game is currently Dead. I've been having alot of computer wipes and thats the reason I lost the code. I am working on a game called Slime Journey if you wish to check it out after New Year's Day cause Ill have my new comp then (1/1/04). If you want to complain cause this was a good game or something, you'll have to page me, I might think to add a new game like this one, but dont keep too high of hopes. Sorry for anyone who was waiting for an update.
V 23: Finally Town 6 is in, Tempest. It has new weapons, armor, and has the first bank!\
V 24: Just some MAJOR bug fixes like, no return to Town 4 and when you enter Town 6, you appear at the priest. You can also return to Town 6 now =) I forgot it.
V 25: Medals Added! Slime Fields add from suggestion! That's basically it, but beware the next verison!
V 26: The Version we have all been waiting for, the version with.....PvP! I also added Medal Man!
V 27 & 28: These versions were kinda put together so I will tell you what was in the both. We now have bosses. 3 bosses to be exact. Also, every floor in the Tower Of Doom (after Town Of The Ancients) has monsters. The top floor does not have anything YET but a boss, but it's good to kill him ahead of time so you don't worry later. Also, I changed the medal tab around a bit. 16 monsters have been added to this version excluding the 3 bosses acutally making it 19 new monsters. There is now a total of 60 monsters in this game excluding the bosses making it 63! Have Fun!
Oct 27 2002, 10:00 pm