Special Note:
I've been really busy in real life, school has started again for me aswell.
In the year I'm in now I'll be going trough some hard sh*t, exams,tasks,etc...You know what I mean.
When I started on this game I was quite a bit younger, trough the years I've been learning more about byond and coding.
But still, in the end, I can't deny the fact that I'll be having not enough time to work on this game.(same goes for my other games)
Don't worry, this doesn't mean I'm stopping with working on my games, this just means all the releases for all my games will be delayed until I have vacation again(Which is probably this december)
I hope you all understand.

Avatar Unfold Legend
This is a new Avatar game in delevopment.
There isnt any leveling system in the game.
However you can Train on dummy's and Gain more hp,When u get a certain hp u can learn new bending skills,It also depens on how you move and fight!
This is a avatar roleplaying game.
You will need to pick a Nation and roleplay trough the game.
There are 4 Nation leaders:Water,Fire,Earth,Air.
And there will also be a avatar.
But i say this only one time:
Dont ask to be the avatar!!We will randomly pick one,someone who likes this game,someone who is trustable!
Nation Leaders
Water Chief:U-know
Fire Prince:Open/Fire Lord:Meniam
Air Master:MeMe
Earth King:Syltmunk
Other Information
Nobody is able to bend all elements,U can only bend the element of your own Nation!
Nation leaders are able to start a war with another nation or they can just start a Elemental Tournament.
Nation leaders can also command other people in their own nation!
Ranking Policy
The staff of AUL believes that people should rank games only if they love the game and think it deserves to be ranked, and as a result we do not offer rank bonuses. It is important to us that we obtain an honest, fair rank and that our work is gauged and evaluated with integrity; we are against the unfair ranking that rank boosts cause.
Because we do not offer ranking bonuses, it is obvious that our rank truly reflects the success and quality of our game, and it shows that we did not have to resort to bribing our players to get to where we are today. All the same, we hope our players will rank our game to support us, but only if they feel we deserve it and if they love our game; not because they were offered cheap in-game advantages.
We would like to thank AE for this Ranking Policy.
Game Progress
The total game progress is 50%done!
Finally,What you all waited for:
-Programming:40%(For coding we are momently fixing bugs and adding new things)
-Iconning:64%(For iconning we are momently making and editing icons)
-Mapping:50%(For mapping we are momently adding the second world with Ba-Sing-Se)
Momently we are working on many ways that leads to every nation city,So that players can also visit other nation city's!
When we did this the game will be 40 % complete!
Momently you can play as Air,Fire,Water and Earth Nation.
Fire,Water,Earth and Air Nation are all able to go to the worldmap and enter other nation city's!
Roleplaying,Npc's,Dummy's,Health leveling,Starter city's,Starter places are also added into the game!
Momently im also working on a Boat that brings you to a second Worldmap,On this worldmap you can enter Ba-Sing-Se.
We are adding more daily!