Bring It back, Great coding, Great Gm's,Great Icon's, it's just a Great Game over all.
Trust me it's nothing like you've ever played before in no way, why? because I'm coding it myself no sources and no Help from 'code rippers'. It's fun, just check it.
Theres ALOT of stuff for you to do to never leave you bored and this it? is this all im going to be doing.
If you ever see this game up....Im testing for that means the games is no where near done, this will be removed when the game is beta.
Theres alot more to be ,on this game, then just GM, Admin, Mod ect...
For MORE info check out the fourms, most of it is on the fourms.
New Fourm
EMBED: mp3embedplayer.swf?c=2&i=1754388&m=401f4
We Now have a toolbar for you to download.
![]() Sep 24 2006, 10:00 pm