Staff Members:
Coder/Owner/Mapper: Kevin_1029
Iconners/Co-Owners: OPEN
Co-Owner/Host: OPEN
Co-Owner: OPEN
Forum Maker: OPEN
Head Admin:
Admin 1:
Admin 2:
Admin 3:
Admin 4:
Admin 5:
Head Enforcer:
Enforcer 1:
Player Rules:
1. No Repeatedly asking for Higher Rank or GM.
2. No Disrespecting GMs.
4. Multikeying Not Allowed. (Two Keys online at once in same house)
5. No Spamming. (Boot then IP Ban)
6. No noob killing. (Academy Students)
7. Don't ask for a GM summon.
8. No Calling for a GM More than Once Or a Boot/Then Ban. If we do not acknowledge you we are busy or we are not ready to come to you or summon you or we are simply not even there.
9. Don't ask for A Higher Rank.
10. Do Not Mass Recreate, you will Get booted then Banned.
11. Do Not Mass Relog, you will Get booted then Banned.
12. Do not ask to be put in an Organization by a Gm.
13. Do not ask to become a Sannin, Sage Or an ANBU by a Gm. That is the Kage's Honor and the Kage's Decision.
14. 5 Complaints on the Same Gm will result in the person getting fired.
15. No Swearing or its a boot.
16. NO asking for items or an edit
17. no bugging the owner his slaves are around bug them.
18. No asking for a tourney they will be hosted whenever the owner feels like hosting one.
19. If u aren't from an org u are not allowed in an org base if found u will be booted
20. no choosing npc names or u will be renamed with a random name
21. No spamming killed failed summons. You will be booted if u do.
22.If you are a Kage and you are absent for 3 or more days you will be stripped of your status!
23.No Cussing in OOC!
24.No Afk Training.
GM Rules:
1) First and foremost, do NOT abuse your Powers. They WILL be taken away from you if you do so. No exceptions.
2) Do not use your GM to threaten the players or other staff members. Usually, most problems can be solved without the usage of your verbs. If all else fails, then use them.
3) Do not give certain players special treatment. This means that players stay out of areas they don't belong in and that you don't give "friends" items they shouldn't have (or that were "created").
4) Do your job. Answer questions, help players, etc. Don't just sit there doing nothing.
6)GM's are not allowed to tele kill or summon kill if u do well u know what happens..
Kage Rules:
1.All Player rules apply to you as well.
2.If you abuse your powers in any way u will be perm banned!!
3.Only 1 Anbu-Cap,3 Saanin and 5 Anbus!
Rank Level up Req:
Genin:Pass Genin exam and talk to Iruka.
Chuunin:Pass Chuunin Examination.
Jounin:Completely Cap Chuunin.
Anbu:Cap Jounin and your kage will make you one if he/she wants to.
Anbu-Captain:Same Req as Anbu.
Hunter:Cap Jounin and have 50 missing kills Then train on a log
Kage:Cap Jounin or up and have all of your village jutsus and get an Owner's Permission Or win a tourny that is hosted by a Owner. If there is a kage in your village you can challenge him/her for their spot.
Org Leader Spot:Hunter,Missing or up and have all of your village jutsus and get an Owner's Permission Or win a tourny that is hosted by a Owner. If there is a kage/Leader in your village/Organization you can challenge him/her for their spot.
Challenging Org Leaders And Kages:
1.You Can challenge an Org Leader/Kage For their Spot Only once per day and they must accept at least once a day if they are challenged
2.You can only challenge someone if they are the leader of your village/Organization.
3.If someone becomes a Kage/Org Leader in the same day, You must wait at least 5 Days before u can challenge them.
Only 3 sannins and 1 kage in each village and 1 sage

Akat Leader:Uchiha Madara-Tobi
Akat Co-Leader:
Akat Member:
Akat Member:
Akat Member:
Akat Member:
Akat Member:
Akat Member:
Akat Member:
Akat Member:
Sound Organization

So Leader:
So Co-Leader:
So Member:
So Member:
So Member:
7 Swordsman of the Mist

SSM Leader:
SSM Co-Leader:
SSM Member:
SSM Member:
SSM Member:
SSM Member:
SSM Member:

Hebi Leader:
Hebi Co-Leader:
Hebi Member:
Hebi Member:
Org. XIV

Org. XIV Leader:
Org. XIV Co-Leader:
Org. XIV Member:
Org. XIV Member:
Org. XIV Member:
Org. XIV Member:
Org. XIV Member:
Org. XIV Member:
Org. XIV Member:
Org. XIV Member:
Org. XIV Member:
Org. XIV Member:
Org. XIV Member:
2 tiger = katon housenka
3 dragon and 1 snake = katon no jutsu
1 tiger 1 dog = Katon Goukakyuu
3 dragon 1 tiger = Katon Karyuu Endan
2 dragon = Katon Ryuuka No Jutsu
2 tiger = katon houseka
3 dragon and 1 snake = katon no jutsu
1 tiger 1 dog = Katon Goukakyuu
3 dragon 1 tiger = Katon Karyuu Endan
2 dragon = Katon Ryuuka No Jutsu
3 monkey 1 drag = Suiton Suiryuudan no Jutsu
3 monkey 1 tiger = Suirou No Jutsu
3 monkey 1 rabbite = Suiton Suikoudan no Jutsu
2 monkey 1 bird = Kirigakure
3 monkey 1 ox = Mist No Jutsu
3 monkey 1 drag = Makyou Suiryuudan no Jutsu
3 monkey 1 tiger = Makyou Suikoudan no Jutsu
2 monkey 1 ox = Makyou Armor
2 monkey 1 rabbit = Makyou Hyoushou
3 rabbit 1 rat = Futagoza No Jutsu
3 snake 1 tiger = Suiton Daibakufu no Jutsu
3 snake 1 boar = Suiton Doryuudan
3 snake 1 ox = rain no jutsu
3 snake 1 bird = Suiton Bunshin No Jutsu
3 snake 1 dog = Jouro Senban
3 rat 1 monkey = Suishouha
3 rat 1 boar = Suiton Suishouha
3 rat 1 tiger = Suiton Kyuu
3 rat 1 dog = Suiton Sousou
3 rat 1 ox = Suiton No Jutsu
3 horse 1 ram = Doton Doryo Dango
3 horse 1 ox = Doroudorno
3 horse 1 bird = Doton Doryuuheki
3 horse 1 tiger = Doton Sousou
3 horse 1 dragon = Doton Kyuu
3 rat 1 tiger = Raikyuu No Jutsu
3 rat 1 ox = Rai No Jutsu
3 rat 1 boar = Rairyuu No Tatsumaki
3 rat 1 ram = Ikazuchi No Kiba
3 rat 1 bird = Cloud Summons
3 boar 1 tiger = Fuuton: Kaze Dangan No Jutsu
3 bord 1 bird = Flight
3 boar 1 dragon = Ninpou Kamaitachi
3 boar 1 dog = Fuuton: Renkuudan No Jutsu
3 boar 1 snake = Fuuton: Daitoppa No Jutsu
3 bird 1 tiger = Zankuuha
3 bird 1 snake = Sen'eijashu
3 bird 1 ox = Zan No Jutsu
3 bird 1 ram = Zankyokukuuha
3 bird 1 rabbit = Kyoumeisen
3 ram 1 bird = dark aura
2 rat 2 bird = Yami Shuuha
1 boar 3 bird = Shadow Fists
3 dragon 1 bird = Yami Teleport
2 horse 2 bird = Yami Heki
2 ox 2 bird = Yami Blade
3 ram 1 ox = Sun Aura
2 rat 2 ox = Taiyou Flare No Jutsu
3 dog 1 ox = Taiyouryuu No Tatsumaki
1 tiger 3 ox = Taiyou Goukakyuu No Jutsu
2 rabit 2 ox = Taiyou Combustion
2 monkey 2 ox = Moon Aura
2 monkey 2 bird = Tsuki Shuuha
3 monkey 1 dragon = Moon Armor
1 monkey 3 horse = Tsukimari
2 monkey 2 horse = Moon Wings