- Link Fixed. Now placed at the bottom of the page.
- Deadron's Texthandling is required.
++ UPDATE (Oct 17th, 2007) ++
I have decided to upload the source of this dismal project to the masses. ;) This project has served me well for years. Why do I upload the WHOLE source you ask? No, I do not want to start another Zeta.
However, I want players to learn from my code, and from my horrible upon horrible mistakes. Looking back at this project now I can see where I went wrong. This project does have many nice features though which you dont see in many (if any) projects at all.
Project Includes:
[+] Full Project files needed to run the game (text game)
[+] Customized text-based help system (text)
[+] In-depth/complex/dynamic Score system (text)
[+] In-depth/complex/dynamic Who list (text)
[+] A Full variety of MUD Socials. Completely interactive!
[+] Tweaked battle system which encourage players to play ALOT and fight each other to get stronger (See Note 2)
[+] Dynamic world system (uses Map file)
[+] Randomized Kill bonuses for added fun!
[+] Special IMM commands which provide trivia, punishment, special effects (text), and much much more! (aKa SupaMuffin)
[+] Hidden areas and Imm-only areas (for some peace and quiet)
[+] A WIDE variety of imm commands.
Features Include:
[+] Fully indepth in-game calendar system which is easily tweakable.
[+] Global Bonuses (global counter, if it hits 5000, an randomized EXP modifier lights up) (EASILY CUSTOMIZABLE)
[+] Fully indepth in-game calendar system which is easily tweakable.
[+] Custom Login Script created from scratch. (needs a bit of tweaking) (adds possibility of dynamic input/outputs through text while in-game)
[+] 10 Races (includes custom ones)
[+] Transformations/Skills are in. PVP is in.
[+] Powerlevels can go beyond 100mil (high for this game). After 8mil you need to collect something called 'Battle Experience' from killing players to be able to continue raising your powerlevel.
[+] Gravity Training is in. (just needs tweaking due to previous macro usage/abuse - easily fixed now with the new byond version out)
[+] Custom Gravity
[+] Easy 'Pcolor' edit. say &Rhi will display hi
[+] A Fully functioning dynamic Copyover Script. (You can update on the go and nobody will be kicked off the game! - except for those in the middle of creating character .. you can check to see who is logging in/creating though)
[+] Idling Off.
[+] and MUCH MORE!
Things to Add/Edit:
[+] Changing from MAP to lists/vnums. it'll make your life so much easier and you'll have less lag. Note: by doing this, you will lose the current existing world. :(
[+] Adding a Parser is probably also one of your bigger concerns. By doing that would mean rerouting all of your commands through it, but it would be worth it. I made it easier by putting all command names in one DM file (verbs.dm).
[+] Though the battle system is pretty stable, its still poorly coded by myself from years ago. It had many loopholes and flaws, as does most of this game. :(
[+] You may change the name of the game in any way possible... ONLY if you include my name in the credits on title. not hidden somewhere in a helpfile. I prefer a nice, 'Powered by Kestal' at the bottom of the intro screen, myself ;)
[+] the directory, "Copy of Players" is a list of all the players that were on the game after I pwiped. They may not be the most up-to-date, but still gives you an idea of how popular the game was.
[+] Helpfiles can be modified in the 'Helpfiles' directory.
[+] The 'System' directory holds the Message of the Day, the commands file (list of commands - manually update these as you see fit), and the intro screen.
[+] The 'updates' directory is self explanitory, it holds the updates file which players can see when they type 'updates'.
If your new to the concepts of MUDS, **PLEASE**, I *BEG* you; when you enter the game for the first time (after creating a character) and realize there are NO PICTURES... TYPE Help info. Then Help info2, help info3, help info4, help info5. and when your done, type FAQ.
This game brought so many memories to me. May it do the same to you! or give you a headache and a good chuckle, whichever comes first ;)
Please Note: The game version was 1.299 when I decided to finally close it down. This version became largely unstable as I not only tried to port it to Telnet, but tried to create a version of OLC. I decided to put this copy up because it was atleast one of the more stable and 'plug and play' versions I had. ENJOY!
Note1: To give yourself admin, look in Immortal Star.dm. Create an account on the game first, then just change "Admin" to your CHARACTER name.
Note2: Battle Experience is earned by chance when fighting someone who is above you or about your level. When you gain BE from someone, they lose BE (a % chance). If developing this game further, I STRONGLY suggest creating bigger areas.
This game reaches about4MB. That means that its 4mb of coding (seeing as its a text-only game). Thats alot... -_-;; you have fun with that thought when you try figuring out what the heck I was on when I created half of it and how it could possibly be as stable as it is. :)
I think that is all the information I could remember, its 4am right now.. sleep deprivation is kicking in. IF you do need any help figuring anything out, or where anything is, feel free to e-mail me to ThinkDevoid@hotmail.com. do NOT add me to MSN messenger, as I only use that account for e-mail purposes only. :) Thank you :)
Download File: Dragonball Z Saiya-jin Academy