DragonBall Z: Legacy of Chaos

by Jrsosa17
DragonBall Z: Legacy of Chaos
semi fast leveling, Gm's and players are equal!! Looking for staff plus host files are downloadable.

Click to make your own myspace banners from StyleMyProfile!

Come on in and find out also remember to enjoy your stay!!

Players Rulers:

-Don't Spam. This includes text, guild invites, and etc. Result: Mute/Jail/Boot/Ban.

-Don't ask for Gm. This is with OOC, Say, Emote, and/or Whisper. Apply on the Forums. Result: Mute/Jail/Boot.

-Don't ask for a Race Change. If you want a different race then remake. Result: Mute/Jail/Boot/.

-Don't ask for a Boost/Edit/. If you want a boost go win a tournament. Result: Mute/Jail/Boot/Ban.

-Don't complain about dying to another player. get stronger or join a guild.
Result: Mute/Jail/Boot/.

- Don't Abuse Bugs. I'm not a perfect coder. But you will report all bugs on the forums. Result: Mute/Jail/Boot/Ban.

- Don't Multi Key without permission with the host. It might cause lag. And if you are sharing a router then inform the GM on the game and you will be tested. Result: Mute/Jail/Boot/Ban(key).

-Don't Ask a GM for a Revive, Dragon balls, and/or and other stuff you can get by yourself. Result: Mute/Jail/Boot/.

-Advertizing other DBZ games. Result: Ban (key)/Ban (IP).

-Posting any kind of Mature/Porn link in any form of chat on the game. Result: Mute/Jail/Boot/Ban(key).

-Keep caps(shift/uppercase letters) to a minimum. Result: Mute/Jail/Boot/Ban(key).

Admin Rules:

-You Must Obay the Rules of the Players as well. Result: Demotion.

-Don't use your powers for fun. Result: Demotion.

-Don't mute/boot/ban/Jail people just because you don't like them.
Result: Demotion.

-Don't mute people if your not in a good mood, go out of game.
Result: Demotion.

-Dont edit stats. This includes "Give". GM's are not allowed to win pr enter their own tournaments and claim the prize. Result: Demotion & Ban

-Don't ask for a Promotion. When this time is right you will be. Result: Demotion