Game Information
Sector movement: To move around inside a sector, click "Impulse", then find the grid number, and enter them, the first box should have the number from across the top, and the second from down the right.
Inter-sector movement: To move between sectors, click "Warp", in the first and second box pick a grid number to arrive in, like in sector movement, in the third box, pick a sector number, any number between 1 and 100, in the third box, pick a warp factor, any number between 1 and 9.95.
Inter-Quadrant movement: Now this is a little more interesting, as any StarTrek fan will know, there's 4 quadrants in the universe, Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta, to move between these, click "Warp", enter the grid numbers like in sector movement, but when it comes to the third box, enter 101 to go to next quadrant, or 0 to go back a quadrant.
Weapons systems: As for both torpedoes and phasers, the aim system is almost identical to the sector movement (Impulse) guidance system, so you should have no problem with this.
Tractor Beam: Tractor beams can be used to pull another ship around, but note, this uses warp energy, and their shields can easily be too powerful for you to tractor them through.
Phaser Band: This is an extremely useful tool, you need over phaser level 5 for this, when you encounter a borg, they are extremely annoying because they adapt to your phasers, this is where phaser band changing comes in use, allowing you to change band and continue attacking, at level 15 you can set your phasers to rotate automatically every 1 second.
Divert Power: This speaks for its self really, you can use this to divert power from your warp engines to your shields to keep them online.
Rank: You can control fleets more depending on your rank, captain can form a fleet, admiral can take over, and order everyone to join their fleet.
Sensors: These work pretty much the same as your Impulse engines (Sector movement) guidance system when in short range mode, and long range mode, you need no help for.
Alert: The bar across the top of your screen is your alert status, click it to change through
Shield status: Slightly to the right and up of the number "10" on the right side of your screen, their is a copy of your ships sprite, with bars on each side, these represent your shield status, and also, a black bar will appear over your ship as your structural integrity fails, click this button to lower shields if you require tractoring.
Planets: Click a planet to, repair your ship, upgrade your ship, save your game, or re-supply on torpedoes, not all planets are bases, but the planet at 4-6 in sector 1 is Earth, which is ALWAYS a base.
Good luck.