| Rogue-like action! Child-like graphics!
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| I Made A Dungeon! is a simple retro rogue-like, created so I could play with dynamic map generation and BYOND's limits …
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| I was out of town for much of the last week, which interrupted my work on the new interface. The three pane system I …
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| It's probably going to be a few days or even next weekend before I host again, as the new interface is kind of an …
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| One reason I haven't done much with special encounter objects like altars and coffins and haven't implemented things …
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| I had been thinking about a map editor as an impossibly far off pipe dream, something that would clearly be neat but …
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| I'm trying to add more variety to the monsters in the game, though with my limited graphical resources my options are …
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| Pictured: An acid mire. So, in addition to adding labels to the exit buttons in the town (h/t Zecronius for suggesting …
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| Okay, so after considering that a big part of the appeal of a game like this is the unique combinations of loot, I …
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| There is now a "town" area that serves as a lobby before the dungeon. The town is menu-based rather than map based, and …
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