The humans have just established another colony on one of many nearby moons. Your mission is to simply survive on one of these colonies.
But beware! Reports show the other colonies are employing droids to ruin your present colony.
The jobs:
Laborer - If nothing else, you are a laborer. These forces can carry more, and harvest goods.
Ecco - Ecologist. Resupplies the oxygen tanks, and cleans up environmental disasters when they happen.
Secur - Security officer. The only one capable of weilding weapons. Their duty is to kill those pesky droids and grant security promotions.
Scientist - The trainers and researchers of the base. Players cannot gain special assets and develop their stats without these units.
Engineer - The only unit that can make products and refine resources into advanced ones. This is a crucial unit for the survival of a base.
Medic - Those who suffer varying ailments and get inflicted by varying status problems will find these units very important. They can also heal players, so keep these close when thers many/strong droids present!
![]() Aug 7 2009, 10:00 pm