
Naruto Shinobi Shadows Staff
Owner's - Garruea12,Haruno02
Co-Owner's -Demonic Eyed Kyo,KEVIN0078.
Admin's -
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Game Creators
Coder's - Garruea12,Haruno02
Mapper - Garruea 12,Haruno02
Iconner - Garruea12,Demonic Eye Kyo
Host - Jona
Back up Host - Tatawilson
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Village Kage's
MistKage -
LeafKage -
RockKage -
RainKage -
SnowKage -
SoundKage -
SandKage -
CloudKage -
GrassKage -
WaterfallKage -
StarKage -
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Akatsuki Leader :
Sound Organization Leader:
Hebi Leader: Uchiha Sasuke (Garruea12)
Claymore Leader:
Master of the Elements Leader Fire:
Master of the Elements Wind:
Master of the Elements Water:
Master of the Elements Rock:
Master of the Elements Wood:
Master of the Elements Lightning:
AlaAlba Leader:
AlaRuba Leader:
Nightclass Leader:
Dayclass Leader:
Night fall Leader:
Free Counter
Kage reqs:100 kills cap sannin 1e+006 health 1e+006 chakra
coming soon and ill add girl suits k for next update