Aug 5 2010, 10:00 pm
Staff These 2 aspiring programmers join together to create a tower offense game that will be enjoyed by many! -Ripper man5 - Programming, Skinning, Mapping, Pixel Art, GFX -Ganing - Minuscule Work ~The funny thing of programming this, is that I get addicted to it myself, and lose track from what I was working on. - Ripper man5 ~I think I was pretty lucky to run into Ripper man5. I will admit, he did most of the work. I really didn't do too much, I wish I could though but his stuff is complicated! Haha, I will contribute where ever I can though in order to support the game. - Ganing |
Aug 11 2010, 12:42 pm
Monster suggestions: Zombies, Trick or Treat kids, Mummies, Scarecrows, Frankenstein, Machines, Ghosts, Narutos, Vampires, Trolls. I'll think of some more later.
Dinomaster45 wrote:
Grrrr. The picture says it all. Lawl. Keep trying! |