So, we have (some) of the Mushroom Kingdom so far, as of July 21, 2010. It's mapped and available, with monsters and all... But... My icons I ripped aren't the best, so I'll require more time. Sorry.
--Missing from MK being complete:
-Bowser, the boss. (Which Hyarion wanted to have a 'special' encounter with -- I may or may not hold true to this.)
-The story in itself... (Not too difficult knowing Mario storys, but it needs coded)
-Maybe more.
This is an RPG which is quite old. It was created from Rise of Heroes, by Xerxes. Then, SNRPG came along a couple years ago, by Hyarion. It was, in all honesty... Far from completion. So, I volunteered to help Element. Element, being the only person working on it at that time, had his hands full. I had (and still have) limited coding understanding, so I was an iconner/mapper.
--I have basic coding understanding - Do not misinterpret me. I CAN make updates, just not as good as something such as a new system, or anything. I can add quests, monsters, spells, etc. Don't offer to help out of the blue to code... If I know you to be a frequent player who volunteers, I will consider it. Otherwise, don't bother.
So... For those new to this, and SNRPG, etc...
We have:
-A party system. Maybe not the best, but still.
-Buffs. Only one per class, but they are levellable. (Note: I don't know for fact if we have placed the buff crystal seller in game yet)
-A working arena.(courtesy of Element)
-A build area. (not like Icon Ultima, etc. in which you step, use a verb, and poof. You choose an item, click, and it makes it from anywhere on screen. GM's MUST give out the privileges to this.)
-A return-to-start verb. Useful info incase you're lazy. (DO NOT rely on it to get out of a bad situation! It does not work when you're low on health!)
So... Let's rack up the list of people who deserve credit then.
Xerse - He's pretty much the grandfather of this game, so... Nothing further to say.
Somasaru - recolor of icons -- the 'regular' color is the colors of the class icons before she came along.
Hyarion - For the idea and creation of SNRPG which this game continues on.
Element - For giving me the opportunity to help with SNRPG, for better or for worse.
Hyper - For being an amazing GM, sticking with this game more years than I could've expected him to.
The Spriters Resource - Where I get all sorts of my icons... This means thanks to anyone who has added to this site, especially if I've used your material!
![]() Jul 21 2010, 10:00 pm