Rules- 1.No spawn killing. (warning,boot,ban)
2.No asking for GM or race leaders.(3 warning then a mute after that it is a boot then finnally a ban)
3.No spamming of anykind including attacks and text.(jail,boot,ban)
4.No insulting other players as this tends to make them hate the game.(mute,boot,ban)
5.NO BUG ABUSING PERIOD (results in auto ipban)
Staff - Owners - Draco_0924, Brixner
Coders - Draco_0924
Iconners - Brixner
GFX Artist - Brixner
Mappers - Draco_0924
Head Admin - (none)
Admin - (none)
Head Enforcer - (none)
Enforcer - (none)
Host (none)
(Apply on my site for this plz when i get it anyway i am currently making a forum)
Ranking Policy
We do not boost for rankers what so ever if you like are game fine then rank it if not don't. We hope you like it but we feel its unfair to all the non-member players who do actually like the game. so dont ask for boosts if you do i'll give you a warning then boot and then ban you. that may seem harsh but i hate it when i play a game and someone who got a rankers boost kills me like 10 times just because he/she got a boost.
![]() Jan 31 2008, 10:00 pm