Welcome To † []Dragonball GT : Corrupted Bloodlines[] † Let's go over some.... Rules 1)No spam of any sort 2)No Multi-Keying without the Host's permission 3)No racial slurs 4)No excessive caps 5)No trolling/flaming 6)Do not impersonate anyone including but not limited to: Staff members; Well-known players; Friend of Staff; Someone of appropriate age(13) 7)No extra large icons bigger than a few tiles. 8)DO NOT ask for GM. Apply on the forums. 9)Don't Act Like Your all bad, When your a Majin or Bio-Andriod. 10)No Abusing Absorbing. 11)No Font face changes other than accecpted by 6 and up GMs. 12) Have a good time. Update Information New Race on the way, all Monster AI NPCs made stronger to provide a challenge. Strongest is Brolly and Vegeta( at the moment ). Highest level on game was 220k by Yaji-san. Highest Stat is unrecorded. Highest Kills Is Unrecorded. Highest Deaths is Unrecorded. Staff: Owner:Diobora Coder(s):Open Mapper(s):Open Iconner(s):Open Co-owner: RedFangx14[and designer/iconner], Devilremake[Owners Friend and Epic Gm]. 24/7 Host: Open. All-time Host[s]: Diobora Admins: Open GMs: Open Enforcers: FallenStar[Forum Administrator],Open More Information and updated hub soon. |