Dragonball Encore originally derived from Finale, which then moved into Ryim's hands in the form of Dragonball Encore, then passed to Ranko's hands and then, before Journey to the West Adventures was born, this source came into our hands. Over the course of the past several years, many small improvements and larger ones have been implemented since, and this game acts as a throwback to those familiar with the Finale/Encore.
Dragonball Encore the Undying is a RP game with a loose, turn-based fighting system. The rules are somewhat flexible so some things about it can be changed if all combatants involved would like to invoke the rule of cool. We're currently in the process of a long overdue re-balance for all non-rare races and various other sizable changes to the combat system of olde.
If you're interested in a community wherein coming together to write an overarching tale with others in the Dragon Ball theme is the name of the game, then this is the place for you.
Feb 10 2020, 10:00 pm
Apr 29 2020, 9:02 pm
I would like to petiton to be unbanned
But Vlaid banned me because I told her off for ignoring me and telling me what the right choice for an event reward was. They didn't even say it as a suggestion, and when I told them that they didnt know how I was going to play my character and if they were going to act like that they are better off just playing every character. Their solution was to ip ban me.
They are me. I am they. Come back next wipe, and we'll talk. We don't do 'unban petitions'. It is not a thing. Vlaid is a male, for the record. That being said - and again - defense is mandatory as a stat -regardless- of what your build is. Do not bother me with this again.
Okay fine, sorry. I just wanted to leave a stat open for rp growth but fine. If having balanced stats is mandatory then could you at least put that somewhere in the rules? Also, sorry for bugging you and I do apoplogize for being rude to Vlaid but he also didn't exactly help in descalting the matter. My main point is that the only reason I was give was because they just know better.
So are bans always just you are out until next wipe or is there time restraints
They have admitted on discord to editing certain players who the staff knows so that those players can beat other players. This alone ruins the integrity of the game for me, as it goes from an RP game to a Butter the Admins game.
Another huge issue with this game is how they have you get your best stat gains, and thats by fighting other stronger players. This isn't so bad, except that the admins are almost always editing those players to remain strong because they are now the sole source of true stat gains. In essence it has potential, but as it stands unless you know someone on staff don't bother playing. Wipes tend to die fairly fast due to above mentioned issues, and your story overall doesn't matter unless you are following one of the chosen admin-friend big stars of the wipe, and they feed into it. |
In response to Lemmingwinks
Lemmingwinks wrote:
They have admitted on discord to editing certain players who the staff knows so that those players can beat other players. This alone ruins the integrity of the game for me, as it goes from an RP game to a Butter the Admins game. I'm fairly certain you must be talking about a completely different game. I'll go down your list of comments and correct the misunderstandings or information that is just blatantly taken out of context. Editing players so that they are capable of defeating other players. This is an instance that's taken entirely out of context. Yes, we do edit characters on occasion outside of bug-fixing. When we do so- rare though it is- it is to make the encounter more engaging, as 1 or 2-shotting an antagonist isn't enjoyable for the greater community or for said antagonist. In addition to this, we also have a minion support system where players can volunteer to create an alt character to support the villain (or hero, if such a wipe happens) so that everyone can have a fun time being involved with larger fights. That being said, we are attempting to implement systems that would allow for players to become stronger without edits, as organic antagonists are far more enjoyable than artificial ones. Get your best stat gains by fighting stronger players, whom are constantly being edited to be the strongest. This here has me questioning if you're even posting this on the right game. The fact of the matter is you are not required to fight other players at all to get any stats. There is a large enough variety of alternative training methods that if you wanted to train by yourself for an entire wipe it would easily be doable. If you had engaged with other players, the admin team, or anyone on the discord, this information is exceptionally easy to obtain. Also as mentioned before, we don't edit characters unless it is for a confrontation of multiple opponents against one so that it isn't a stagnant encounter, or if we are creating event characters. Be friends with admins or you're not going to have a good time playing this game, your personal stories don't matter, and wipes end fairly quickly. I would appreciate you not making blasphemous claims like this, as its an entirely untrue statement. Whenever we have a new player join into the game, we offer up the discord link in the intro when you log in, and give every opportunity for players to be successful on their own merits. In addition, I regularly check logs to ensure that this isn't occurring. On this game we want everyone to have a comfortable time training their character, writing, and enjoying their time. In particular your claim that we don't care about your personal stories is completely untrue. I and several members on our admin staff go through the RP Logs and try to facilitate your own RP stories as much as we reasonably can do so. Furthermore, I personally on the game and through the discord encourage players to reach out to myself and the other admins to try and involve personal plots. Lastly, our wipes tend to last between two and four months depending on player activity and interest. This last one ran from April 25th until July 11th. The one prior lasted from mid June up until the end of November. Our wipes tend to last for a fair amount of time. In conclusion, all of the information I have posted you could have discovered with about an hour or two of playtime. I strongly encourage you to actually log in and play the game if you enjoy RPing Dragon Ball, so you can actually experience for yourself our community, the storytelling we create, and the gameplay itself. Cheers. |
The game where only the devs and their bestest friendos can abuse or have ranks.
In response to Kyiaro
Kyiaro: (Tuesday, 8:22 pm)
The game where only the devs and their bestest friendos can abuse or have ranks. Says the person who doesn't realize the guy they threw a fit over died 3 times and reincarnated 3 times because he kept getting involved in life and death battles to take part in events or plot points in people's stories and losing... in a wipe with no afterlife. Brah, this game doesn't even have a breeding system, and you still claimed a breeding mechanic. lol. You played for a grand total of 3 days, never left vegeta and quit because a dude whos been there since day 1 of the wipe putting in the Roleplay and time/effort to be good despite taking some Ls via losing stat from Reincarnate (-30% every reincarnate)... is good? Nice. Notice how I said nothing about ranks? Because the majority of the ranks (as of posting this) are normal players who applied for the ranks they wanted. 8 out of 12 currently held ranks are normal players. The rest? One is locked for event/plot use (as such, used by an admin for events), one held by an admin to try and push Roleplay on the lesser used planet, and the last 2 was to ensure there was at least ONE guardian (Kai rank) around. Out of all these, none of the normal players are 'bestest friendos' to the owners/coders. Old players sure, but 'bestest friendos'? No. |
In response to Fusashi
What is man yappin' about, I said one sentence and mans got 3 paragraphs listing shit I have no clue about.
Enjoy your circle jerk. |
"What is man yappin' about, I said one sentence and mans got 3 paragraphs listing shit I have no clue about.
Enjoy your circle jerk." Wednesday 13 00:04 Juno Star(Kyiaro) says: Oh I hate these game because of how cancer they are Wednesday 13 00:06 Juno Star(Kyiaro) says: theres already a guy who admitted me made a human, and low class saiyan, and tuffle, used the tuffle to tech buff the low saiyan and human to breed the perfect low saiyan, by year 10, he has a 250k low saiyan - There is no breeding system in our game. - Those were forced reincarnations because of taking Ls in fights while there is no AL in the wipe this was said, taking a nerf on each reincarnate. - We keep logs of all said and done on game for rule enforcement and evidence to make decisions. No paragraphs, only bullet points and copy pastes like your original post. Get a better memory and have a nice day elsewhere. |
Yap yap yap, why would I remember something from something so insignificant, from weeks ago.
Yet you find the time to respond to this about something you have deemed so insignificant. But you are right, and I am being the foolish one here in this, wasting my time on this when I could be using it to enjoy myself or fixing bugs people point out to me. It is insignificant to me as well now that I've given it some thought, That time is better spent being productive. Not like you are ever going to come back right? I hope you have a good time out there. Enjoy yourself and use it on more important things to you.