-Annoucements- -We're Back! Just had a pwipe and wont have another for a while. Little Brother Game: http://www.byond.com/games/Killerjoy456/BleachTheLastRace ______________________________________________ -Staff- Owner: Cha(chachamasta Co-Owner: killerjoy456 Enforcers If you wish to become a GM, go on the Forums then from there go to Applications and fill out our format given. Master GM - Gaara121 - GM - - - Trial Enforcer - - ______________________________________________ -Rules- 1- No Spamming 2- No Advertising 3- No Racism 4- No asking for GM/Enforcer 5- No Bug Abusing 6- No Caps in OOC 7- Don't constantly annoy Staff 8- Don't complain if you are jailed, muted, banned etc. 9- Don't fire cero in front of hospitol too much. - Have Fun! -Staff Rules- 1- Respect other Staff members 2- Don't get carried away with your verbs 3- Don't abuse your verbs 4- Don't boot/ban players because you don't like them or your in a bad mood 5- Treat players the way you wish to be treated 6- Dont abuse announce 7- Obey those higher rank than you 8- Do not teleport to Owner's Desk 9- Do not jail players for no reason ______________________________________________ -Requirments- Once you reach these requirments and wish to become a leader, talk to a GM and I will get to it as soon as possible. Captain: 20,000 Vice-Captain: Optional, Captains Choice Quincy Elder: 25,000 Quincy Apprentice: 15,000 Quincy Follower: 7,500 Espada Leader: 20,000 Espada #1-10: 10,000 Vaizard Leader: 20,000 Mask time- 60 or above Vaizard Warrior: 15,000 Mask time- 30 or above Vaizard Knight: 10,000 Mask time- 15 or above Vaizard Follower: 9,000 Mask time- 10 or above Vaizard Novice: 5,000 Mask time- 3 or above Bounto Leader: 15,000 Bounto Knight: 10,000 Bounto Follower: 8,000 Sado Leader: 18,000 Sado Warrior: 12,000 Sado Master: 10,000 Inoue Leader: 13,000 Inoue Follower: 8,000 Credit goes to: Kingmangaman and other creators. ______________________________________________ -Leaders- Next to each rank listed is the requirement and the person that currently has the position. If you meet the requirement, you can challenge the leader but it must be witnessed by killerjoy456 or Cha. Captains Squad 1 Captain: Squad 2 Captain: Squad 3 Captain: Squad 4 Captain: Squad 5 Captain: Squad 6 Captain: Squad 7 Captain: Squad 8 Captain: Squad 9 Captain: Squad 10 Captain: Squad 11 Captain: Squad 12 Captain: Squad 13 Captain: Quincy Quincy Elder: Quincy Apprentice: Quincy Follower: Quincy Follower: Espada Espada Leader: Espada #1: Espada #2: Espada #3: Espada #4: Espada #5: Espada #6: Espada #7: Espada #8: Espada #9: Espada #10: Vaizard Vaizard Leader: Vaizard Co-Leader: Vaizard Warrior: Vaizard Knight #1: Vaizard Knight #2: Vaizard Knight #3: Vaizard Apprentice: Vaizard Novice: Bounto Bounto Leader: Bounto Knight: Bounto Follower: Bounto Follower: Sado Sado Leader: Sado Warrior: Sado Master: Inoue Inoue Leader: Inoue Follower: Inoue Follower: ______________________________________________ -Ranking Boost- After the ranking boost, you will have to click Rest then you will have to relog for your boost to be fully activated. 3000 Levels! 25k Health 50k Reiatsu 50k Attack 50k Defence 50k Reiatsu Power Flash Step Mastery Shikai/Bankai Mastery ______________________________________________
![]() May 9 2008, 10:00 pm