You are a Human. The duckerians are your faithful allies that had kept your people fed for many centuries. As a human you are the third most technologically advanced alien in the universe. The swanians are the second and the goosors are the first.
The goosors had anticipated the creation of the pocket universe called the ‘RSPCA Universe’ and created a crystal called the goosebump which would destroy the RSPCA Universe and release everything back into your universe. However the crystal was completed too late and none of the goosors were able to activate it before they were banished to the RSPCA.
The goosebump fell into the hands of the swanians who tried to destroy it but failed. Their technology was not powerful enough so they hid it in their deepest space station protected by various puzzles and traps.
The swanians’ ‘Royal technology’ makes it impossible for the swanians to be harmed by human technology. Your only hope to stop the swanians from suppressing the rest of the universe is to release the goosor guardians who will be able to fight back.
Using your human space-time distortion technology and the few components granted to you by the goosors you need to go from the entrance of the space station to the deepest level to free the goosors using the goosebump. Your space-time distortion technology will ensure your safety so that if you get trapped or killed you can go back to when you entered that level.