Bored Game

by Albro1
A board game for when you are bored.
My entry for Simple Development Guild's contest.

This game requires more than one person.

Think wisely about your piece placement!

Use the arrow keys to move your placer and click the links to place pieces. Once the game starts, click the piece and it will highlight where it can go. Click a highlighted square to move to it(Exception is the Genius piece: It's balancing disadvantage is that it always moves the maximum amount, making it easy to overshoot your target.).

Beware of the Dud piece.
This piece only costs $1, but it can only move North and South one space per move. You can use them, but you must use them wisely.
Love the name and love the game! Still about a week left. Update to increase your chance of winning!
Hosting the game until my laptop decides to shut off or something. I don't have a whole lot better to do. It will also help get updates onto it. If anybody has any suggestions for the game, such as new pieces or bug fixes, please post them here!
Updated to v1.4 to fix some bugs and improve performance.

I may add saving so you don't lose your money and pieces when you log out. It will be server-based, however, so a different person will not have your savefile for you.
Updated and added saving. There is an unavoidable error that will appear on Dream Daemon when someone joins, but it isn't anything serious and is immediately solved after it's occurance.

Your pieces that you bought and your cash will now save, and you can see your bought pieces in the lobby with the new Inventory window.
I did some workarounds to fix the login error. It wont show up anymore, and none of the gameplay has changed.
Version 2.5 released.

You will now see a red(pink) box under opponent pieces, and will win automatically when your opponent logs out.
Fixed some errors and made it possible to take a piece by clicking the piece, instead of having to click the turf under it.
Deciding for the Simple developments poll : Urghh...

Seems like it might be good, but without being able to host it i couldn't play it :(.

Visually it looks well made :)
Thanks. Part of the reason I made it was to get in some practice with HTML and Javascript. I think it turned out rather well.