Hello Linux Gurus,

I have two different issues with installation on my Debian machine. I host an SS13 server. I have about two months of Linux/Debian experience and maybe twenty minutes of Bash experience. I tried to get support in the Debian and Bash IRC channels but it didn't work out well.

I initially installed Byond as a single user, and received this as an error message.

DreamDaemon: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Afterwards I executed the byondsetup script. So I deleted the directory in /home/user/ and reinstalled as root. I got this error after installing as root.

root@myserver:/home/user# bash: /home/user/byond/bin/DreamDaemon: No such file or directory

I'm sort of at a loss as to what to do from here. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Long story short. On an x64 (64 bit) machine you may have to install multilib to get it to install properly. It sees the 64 bit version of the library when it really needs to find the 32 bit one to make the magic happen.

On Debian you would do:

apt-get install lib32stdc++6
Thanks for this post; I just ran into the same problem. Not the most helpful error message, that.
You should be installing the 'ia32-libs' package.
lib32stdc++6 did the trick for me, but if I run into any other 32-bit apps that give me trouble, I'll keep that package up my sleeve.