so I can host space station 13 fine, ports are forwarded, except after about 10 minutes dreamdaemon.exe stops responding and the server crashes. tried running as administrator, getting a new copy, and downgrading byond. also I tried server logging and nothing shows up.
Hi Lockluster,

Can you try profiling the world and see if you have any procs calling an excessive amount of CPU? In order for the profile command to be used in dream daemon, you have to have #define DEBUG in the code.

Does this happen with every game you try to host, or is it just Space Station 13? Knowing SS13 and its large file size, any proc that is running an excessive amounts of time, or using excessive amounts of CPU could be causing dream daemon to overload and crash.

Good luck!
okay, I turned profiling on and copied it when the game started.
it looked like /turf/proc/sd_LumUpdate was taking up a lot of CPU.

also, when it crashed and in the 'check for a solution and close the program' window this is in the problem log:

I haven't tried hosting any other BYOND games, but considering how big SS13 is it's probably just that.
I took a look at your log file, and I didn't notice anything that should cause a crash or anything of that nature.

You may have better luck submitting a bug report ticket, espicalily since you have that crash/log debugging information, they may be able to trace where exactly Dream Daemon is crashing and possibly fix it in the next BYOND update, if it is an issue with Dream Daemon itself.