You know what time it is. I've decided to host the GiaD 2008 event on the same date as its original 2006 incarnation. Namely, Sept. 19th. This year's event will feature several changes:
First, and most important, the event will span two days, Sept. 18th and 19th. In the past, participants have complained about being unable to put aside an entire work day because of work, school, or other commitments. Hopefully, given two days to choose from, all those who want to participate will be able to, while still only devoting one work day to programming. Also, this should minimi-e any time -one bias.
Second, the entries will not be "judged". I will play through each and every entry, and evaluate it honestly and fairly, as I've done in the past. I will also write mini-reviews and assign awards. I will not, however, rank entries numerically, or declare a winner. This should bring the event closer to its NaNoWriMo inspired origins. All entries will be placed into one of the following categories:
Disqualified - Entry failed to adhere to one or more rules of the event, or was not a game.
Unplayable - Entry could not be evaluated for gameplay, because features were missing, broken, to cryptic for me to figure out, or otherwise rendered not worth the effort to try and play.
Playable - Core aspects of the entry are present and usable without major headaches during gameplay. However, entry may be missing other features, such as ending conditions.
Complete - Entry is not only playable, but can be considered a Game, playable from start to finish. Minor code problems may be fixed so as to evaluate intended gameplay, but missing features will not be added. This is a passing mark.
Polished - All aspects of gameplay are present and working, bugs and runtimes are (almost) absent, help file (etc.) is present. Game must be of 'qualifying scope', a term I will redefine at will (a polished version of Tic Tac Toe is of insufficient scope). This last rule is only to prevent participants from making overly simplistic (and uninteresting) games so as to achieve a 'polished' mark.
I have yet to think of a theme for the event. Contact me (email works fine: IainPeregrine at gmail) if you think you have a good theme.
![]() Sep 16 2008, 9:32 pm
On a semi-related note: I assume you got your keyboard working a bit? Or do you just have terrible luck, and have a keyboard with a screwed up key, now?
Damn. I won't be able to participate.
School, exercise, and homework take up all my time on the weekdays. |
You should probably push it to the weekend, a lot of the younger audience can't do as much during the week because of school and parental restrictions. Wouldn't really be fair to them if GiaD became GaiH(hour) because that's the only time they're allowed.
Jeez I have no sense of time. I was thinking "Game in a Day? That's not until September!"
I'm surprised you're not hosting it over/overlapping with the weekend, as that's when most people will be (probably) definitely free.
I'd like to participate though. :) |
Running this on a weekday, even two weekdays, is a terrible idea. It was hard enough on a weekend the first time. Better to use the closest weekend, which would be the 20th.
Yeah, I'd also recommend pushing to the closest weekend (although I'm still unsure if I could compete, have a proposal due on Sunday), but something like Friday night through Sunday morning or something would be a decent plan.
Weekend please :P. I'll get a piece of crap entry in probably, considering tomorrow for me will be a lot of homework + soccer, and Friday will be homework, friends, and the football game. Saturday + Sunday would really be nice, I'd be able to get a ton of work (and sleep!) in then.
Why not Friday at noon to Sunday at noon? That way, most people won't have to stay up late right before a Monday, while still monopolizing on the weekend. Also, students will only miss the first few hours.
DarkCampainger wrote:
Why not Friday at noon to Sunday at noon? That way, most people won't have to stay up late right before a Monday, while still monopolizing on the weekend. Also, students will only miss the first few hours. If they have no life :P. I'm going to the high school football game, and homecoming is on Saturday (wait; a good portion of my Saturday is also gone!). |
Jeff8500 wrote:
If they have no life :P. I'm going to the high school football game, and homecoming is on Saturday (wait; a good portion of my Saturday is also gone!). Psh, well you should have thought about that before you got a life! Besides, it's times like those that energy drinks were made for. |
I was actually amped to compete until i realized how fucked up I'm going to get this weekend and how I have to win the hookup competition that I'm in.
Or do you just have terrible luck, and have a keyboard with a screwed up key, now? Once the computer has been on for a bit, it comes up to temperature, and the contacts on the a key reconnect. At least that's what I think is going on. If I let it get really hot, I can get the 26th letter working, too. Wouldn't really be fair to them if GiaD became GaiH(hour) because that's the only time they're allowed. That's why I'm allowing two days to work on it. Between those two days (granted, they should be the weekend), most everyone should be able to find six hours. September 18th, what timezone? Inquiring Australians need to know. Time-ones don't matter. I'm working on the honor system, which means that each participant should choose a workday they feel is fair, and when I wake up the next morning I'll collect the results. |
Time-ones don't matter. I'm working on the honor system, which means that each participant should choose a workday they feel is fair, and when I wake up the next morning I'll collect the results. Convenient! Then the question becomes - what's the deadline, and what timezone is it in? :P |