Been searching the site for a forum that would be suitable for this or Dantom's email, but I've been unable to find it.
Tsaturo wrote:
Been searching the site for a forum that would be suitable for this or Dantom's email, but I've been unable to find it.

BYOND staff do not police games, if you have a problem with harmless cyber chat then leave that game.
In response to A.T.H.K
WE, have a problem with RP games and people being able to use the new 'Mate" verb in Dragonball Finale to rape people. RPly. Meaning they can write roleplays about raping somebody. And that could get VERY. VERY. UGLY.

Not to mention the fact that NOW, he has it so that he can look at all of the host's files. For example: If you had Mozilla Firefox on your desktop, and you were hosting Finale, Tenshaku(Dragoon, the key name) wouldknow you had Firefox on your computer
In response to Nasiso
So? is that a problem that he knows what browser you are using? the owner of that game has put that function in.

Seriously the BYOND staff cannot do anything they do not police games tell the owner of the game tell the host if he is the host join another server if there aren't any host yourself.
In response to A.T.H.K
He can know all programs, folders, files. Anything that's on your comp, he can know what it is. It's a serious invasion of privacy. And when he allowed Cybering and rape, it takes this game to an adult level, and totally goes against the Disclaimer and the EULA. That's why I want this guy GONE.
In response to Nasiso
This guy is proberley just a script kidding or he is hacking you do a virus scan.

He might just be guessing what you have its not that hard.

If you want a responce from the BYOND staff go since they never look here because they have abandoned this area they cannot take the presure the whimps.
In response to A.T.H.K
No. He CAN tell what programs you have, files, etc. He IS gunna add rape. So there is the point. The forums are currently disabled since we all tried to stop him and he just disabled the forum.
In response to Nasiso
Can you prove that he has the ability to get file lists? The DM programming language is almost completely bare when it comes to client side processing, meaning there is very little you can do to a client side computer unless he is using a JavaScript trick to get the information, which would be a bug in IE, so I recommend updating your IE to ensure it is secure.

Besides using bugs in IE, which and site can do, I don't see how he might be doing this, so some proof would really be needed.

As for the whole "rape" thing. This might be a violation of community standards, so it may cause his hub entry to get suppressed, but as it stands, he hasn't added it yet, so there is no violation. If you feel you have a true case against him, there is the Support Form to contact the Staff. I can tell you now that they can't/wont do anything against someone for something they are thinking of doing. So unless he actually ads the rape command, they can't/wont do anything, and even if he does they may find that it's OK, because you are consenting to whatever the game is when you join the game. If you don't like it, you are welcome to leave the game.
In response to Danial.Beta
He'd already added it long before this post.
In response to A.T.H.K
A.T.H.K wrote:
This guy is proberley just a script kidding or he is hacking you do a virus scan.

He might just be guessing what you have its not that hard.

If you want a responce from the BYOND staff go since they never look here because they have abandoned this area they cannot take the presure the whimps.

No, the BYOND Staff have abandoned this place because it's full of morons. (Aside from the actual Mods)
In response to A.T.H.K
A.T.H.K wrote:
Tsaturo wrote:
Been searching the site for a forum that would be suitable for this or Dantom's email, but I've been unable to find it.

BYOND staff do not police games, if you have a problem with harmless cyber chat then leave that game.

Let me make this just a little more clear:

BYOND Staff do not police internal game affairs. If a user on a game spams the game or bans a specific user from a game. BYOND can't and wont do anything about it.

However, BYOND Staff can and do police the BYOND Hub. If a game which is considered to have vastly inappropriate material on it, chances are, it will get scrapped. Cases in point are hubs that give away stolen source code and the infamous Hentai Hill.

I'm not sure how they'd take a game which consists of cyber sex or anything like that. I imagine if it's blatant on the hub page itself: "This game contains cyber sex material and pornography etc" - Chances are, it'll probably get scrapped.

There's no rules against making these games and advertising them on another website. You're free to do that however you wish. But advertising such inappropriate material on the BYOND Site will probably get a warning thrown in your direction. Remember, BYOND is full of kids, and the last thing BYOND Staff need is phone calls and emails from angry parents who will no longer be getting little Timmy his BYOND Membership for Christmas.
In response to Danial.Beta
If the game is run in trusted mode, the programmer has access to any file on the hosts computer.

I remember long ago there was an uproar about the infamous "Get Icon" verb that was released with a Zeta Source rip at some stage. Which would allow a user to browse another users hard drive using something to do with the ftp() proc. I'm not sure if the other user has to be the host, but it's probably not impossible to imagine.
In response to Flame Sage
Flame Sage wrote:
A.T.H.K wrote:
This guy is proberley just a script kidding or he is hacking you do a virus scan.

He might just be guessing what you have its not that hard.

If you want a responce from the BYOND staff go since they never look here because they have abandoned this area they cannot take the presure the whimps.

No, the BYOND Staff have abandoned this place because it's full of morons. (Aside from the actual Mods)

Come on guys behave.

People who visit this part of BYOND are either young and don't know a lot about computers or don't have a lot of knowledge in the particular field they are having trouble with.

Never think someone is mentally incapable because they have a question. It's the soul reason BYOND Help is here. If someone has a question about the BYOND Software or BYOND Website, they're free to ask here, without fear of reprisal.

I wont deny that it takes a lot of patience on the part of those who help them. But let's face it, all these questions they're asking are probably questions we've asked before sometime in our lifetime. If they aren't, they were things the more risky of us tried to figure out on our own. And some people just don't want to risk their computers, which is fair enough.

So please refrain from insulting people around here, 'kay?
Tsaturo wrote:
Been searching the site for a forum that would be suitable for this or Dantom's email, but I've been unable to find it.

No doubt your referring to my game Dragon Ball Finale.

And so what?

Something offends you so you think the game owner is obligated to censor it for you?

Ever thought maybe you just need to drop your Nazi mentality and stop trying to censor everyone and mind your own business?

We admins of Finale do not waste our time censoring social interactions between players. First off nobody has the right to do that, and second off its a waste of our effort when it could be focused elsewhere.

We are not Nazi Germany, we are not a democracy, so we don't care at all what other people tell us to do.
In response to Dragonn
The question was asked an answer was delivered. No more can come of this conversation. If at any time you feel that a game is inappropriate, please submit it to the BYOND Staff directly for the Support Form.

Dragonn: There is a difference between censorship and inappropriate behaviour. Unless your hub warns of inherent sexual behaviour and those entering the game beware, you're just asking for trouble (exactly like this, no less) down the road. Please be mindful of the younger audience of BYOND.

Everyone Else: Your lecture is forthcoming, just you wait.