Jul 24 2006, 2:01 pm
I was wondering how would i go about useing Topic() for a html form in my game? ive seen this done before on the forums but i cant find the post plese help.
Jul 24 2006, 4:20 pm (Edited on Jul 24 2006, 4:26 pm)
I'm not sure what you mean, but this is how you use it.
In response to Evidence
no the form needs to be simlar to how the forms witht he htmllib are were when submited the data is processed.
An excellent case for either myself, Nadrew or any other BYOND Guru who has intimate knowledge of DMCGI!
</brag> For your question I will create a basic form which will allow you to select what kind of fruits you like, allows you to type in your age and real name, provides information on what your BYOND key is and allows you to check if you're a BYOND Member and verify this (as well as auto-check it if you are indeed a BYOND Member). mob/Topic(href,href_list[]) Have fun, and I hope you may learn things! -- Data |
In response to Android Data
Thank you so much.