var/HP = 100
var/species_type = input("Options:(Terran, Icelandic, Molten, or Cat", "Species") as text
var/char_name = input("Please name your character.", "Name") as text
name = "<b>([species_type])</b> [char_name]"
icon = 'skins.dmi'
if(species_type == "Terran")
icon_state = "terran_spider"
if(species_type == "Icelandic")
icon_state = "ice_spider"
if(species_type == "Molten")
icon_state = "lava_spider"
if(species_type == "Cat")
icon_state = "cat"
Problem description: I'm trying to turn the character who spawns into a the species they choose. The problem I'm having is that each species is in a different directory, and I need to find something to put in these if statements to change the actual mob into this specific species. Is there any way to do this? (Game Git)
This gives the player a predetermined list to choose from instead of letting them type it (since you don't have any way of handling any entries typed other than those four).
Your question seemed like you were asking about something a bit deeper though - are you trying to change the mob type to something else?