Starting a text selection in the code editor, and then moving the selection back toward the original point using the keyboard, caused the selection to reset except with Shift+Left and Shift+Right.
BYOND Version:511
Operating System:Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
Web Browser:Chrome 55.0.2883.87
Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Resolved (515.1611)

This issue has been resolved.
1. Hold shift.
This sets the selection startpoint at the cursor's current position.

2. Press the down arrow key a few times.
This moves the selection endpoint down a line for each button press.

3. Press the up arrow key once.
Before 511, this moves the selection endpoint up one line.
In 511, this moves the selection startpoint to the bottom, and then moves the endpoint up one line.

Was this change made on purpose? It doesn't make sense.

4. Release shift whenever you feel like it.
Bump, still happens.

Demo video:

When moving the selection up, it should not reset the starting point of the selection. As of 511, it does.
Yep, I've noticed this too. Rather a pain. I'll have to dig into it sometime to figure out what changed.
bump for 515.1610
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
Starting a text selection in the code editor, and then moving the selection back toward the original point using the keyboard, caused the selection to reset except with Shift+Left and Shift+Right.