![]() Nov 9 2016, 6:33 am
tfw u didnt even vote and your candidate still won
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![]() Nov 9 2016, 8:39 am (Edited on Nov 9 2016, 10:06 am)
Was Trump truly anybody's candidate? Was Clinton? Practically no one wanted this outcome. Same with the alternative. For half of America this is the consolation prize; for the other half, at least they can feel good about Miley Cyrus fleeing the country.
He was truly my candidate.
He likes to kiss women. I like to kiss women. He likes to grab pussy. I like to grab pussy. He likes to take women furniture shopping, and I li- Wait, no, that's where he lost me. There's a word for taking a woman furniture shopping just to get in her underwear. ![]() |
Ready? I can feel the greatness in the air.
Time to make America GREAT AGAIN I mean come on, Trump is going to create LOADS of jobs. For Example : The wall. There's going to be a lot of labor needed to build that wall and therefore he's going to be creating a lot of temporary jobs! Know what's even better? MEXICO IS GOING TO PAY FOR IT. Mexico is going to be paying us Americans for our labor to build a wall to keep THEM out. [ It would also be a plus to send Crooked Hilary to prison... ] |
It just sucks that America lost its champion for womens rights.
Hillary stood against the mistreatment of all women. Especially when she got that million-dollar donation from Qatar where women are treated with the utmost respeck. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "champion for womens rights" ![]() |
and now #TrumpProtest is trending and clinton supporters are running through the streets mad af, they've even resorted to setting the flag on fire ![]() "we must accept" ![]() "the results" ![]() "of the election" ![]() i guess that rule only applied to trump ![]() |
so remember when everyone on the left was like "RIG AN ELECTION? IMPOSSIBRU! THE ELECTION IS 100% ACCURATE AND FAIR!" and there were people coming out of the woodwork to elaborate on how difficult it is to skew the results and shit and even Obama was like "rig an election? what does that even mean?" and they were all like "FUCK YEAH OBAMA, TELL IT LIKE IT IS!"
well apparently clinton supporters have changed their minds about it. like, overnight. "more human beings voted for hillary" "she needs to sue the united states" "WOMEN NEED YOU... MINORITIES NEED YOU... I NEED YOU" the same people who claimed our elections were without flaw a few days ago now believe their votes didnt get counted LMAO ![]() this is the biggest clown fiesta election ive ever seen and im enjoying every second of it |
Remember when Bernie supporters were getting told off by both the right and the left for pointing out that our political process was completely fucked?
Hillarys's nomination and Trump's victory both are the greatest QED possible. Not so naive now, are we? |
I believe the electoral college is there to equate the power of each state, so smaller states can be heard and bigger state can't singlehandily swing an election.
According to the feminists the electoral college was created by white slaves owners so they can continue to get free labor and also that men are misogynists, but we all have our opinions, huh?
As South Park pointed out, voting is pointless. It's a giant douche and a turd sandwich and all they do is lie, cheat, steal and fight to get in office. They say what they have to say to get in and do whatever they want once they're in. Trump is the most racist piece of shit since Hitler and Hillary isn't any better so no matter who won (in this case Trump), we're still gonna get screwed regardless. Even if Trump agrees to build this huge ass wall, it's only a matter of time before something fucks that up too. As for Hillary, she's a murderer and a traitor of America... Neither one of these retards give the slightest shit about this country and only want the presidential office to obtain more power for themselves. We don't need either of them in the office.
Flame Me at your whim, but in the country the right to free speech applies (at least for now). ~~Let's see how long my post stays before someone deletes it.... No Names coughNadrewcough.... XD |
Oh, please. Calling Trump the most racist since Hitler is ridiculous. Honestly I've never seen any convincing evidence that he's a racist at all. Yes his early line about illegals coming up from Mexico was kind of cringeworthy, but taken in context he wasn't really bringing race into it; he was addressing--in his incredibly hyperbolic way--a very real problem. And when he spoke of barring Muslim immigration until we get our ducks in a row on how to sort out the crazies, again that's part hyperbole and also part looking honestly at a real problem. (It's also something past presidents and national leaders have suggested, plenty of them Democrats. You weren't supposed to notice that.) "Racist" was just a convenient label the media and his other opponents tagged him with so you'd hate him. Mission accomplished. There are plenty of other reasons to have a problem with him, but accusations of racism were always way overblown.
As for Clinton, I don't think it's fair to call her a murderer--unless you want to get into the weeds on Vince Foster and the laundry list of people the Clintons supposedly had killed, and even then I'm not sure you can pin anything on her. Yes, she was at the watch when Benghazi went down, but if you blame her for not getting help to those people in time, "murderer" is still harsh; feckless to the point of getting people killed, sure. Same with her emails: She put classified information in easy reach of Russian, Chinese, and Podunkistan hackers just so she could try to circumvent FOIA (which the press should have screamed about), and that probably got people killed too--but it isn't fair to call her a murderer on that basis. What I'm saying is, these (specific) labels aren't appropriate. There are lots of other things to dislike both of them for. |
Lummox JR wrote:
.... As for Clinton, I don't think it's fair to call her a murderer.... Maybe he is referencing abortion? I know more than a handful of people who would consider abortion murder. And, as we all know, Hilary Clinton has very strongly expressed her views on the topic of abortion. Also, if ANYONE ELSE other than Clinton used a PRIVATE EMAIL SERVER that has CLASSIFIED GOVERNMENT INFORMATION and then it got LEAKED, I'm pretty sure their red and bruised ass would be in prison before you can say " Make America Great Again " To be honest, the Clinton family has gotten enough time in the white house, imo anywho. ( PS. Look up Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton relations. Mr. Epstein claims to have co-founded the Clinton Foundation, I would consider that to be a close relation, wouldn't you?) Not saying everyone that was antiquated with Jeffrey Epstein is guilty. As a lot of celebrities and such knew him fairly well! ( including Trump )Bbut it would seem to be that if the President REFUSES Secret Service MULTIPLE times to go with Jeffrey Epstein to his little island, then I think SOMETHING ( just SOMETHING ) might be up. Bill Clinton is also only ONE out of TWO Presidents to get impeached in the 240 years of this country. edit : #DrainTheSwamp ; #MakeAmericaGreatAgain ... Law backwards is Wall |
Genesismagician wrote:
Hillary isn't any better This is only half the point. Since most of us agree on the fact neither candidate was going to "save Murica", the circumstances of this election meant you had to side with a candidate who was simply a means to an end. My ideal end is to defeat people who: - Are SJWs who want to destroy freedom of speech and want shit like "safe-spaces" on college campuses because they can't handle being "offended" - Are the first to attack the 2nd amendment whenever a radical Islamist mows down a crowd of people while shouting "allahu akbar" - Are quick to scream "BLM" and blame all the problems within the black community on racist white police officers when around 90% of black homicide victims are killed by other blacks - Are unaware of the difference between legal and illegal immigration and refuse to admit a troublesome number of the illegal immigrants are bringing crime with them ( just like they deny the existence of radical Islamic terrorists ) - Are convinced the way to fix the economic problems in America is "TAX THE RICH FOLK" rather than addressing what the government is doing with the trillions we're already throwing at them - Are convinced that giving the people that fuck up your order every other time you go to McDonald's a $6 or $8 raise is going to end poverty across the country - Are feminists who are convinced there's a "wage gap" - Are running through the streets as we speak waving the flags of other countries around while burning ours because it hasn't occurred to them yet that if they hate America and love the country they came from, they can just like, go back to that other country and problem solved And anyone subscribed to BuzzFeed because that channel more often than not takes cringe-worthiness to unprecedented levels. All of these people typically hate Trumps guts and rally behind Hillary. This is why my heart was filled with absolute joy as I watched delicious, salt-filled tears roll down the triggered faces of every Hillary supporter at the Javits Center. For me, this wasn't about Trump making America great again. This was about watching the candidate that represents all the people I just mentioned lose - ESPECIALLY in upsetting fashion. Sorry snowflakes, there'll be no breaking the glass ceiling this time around either. ![]() |