runtime error: bad client
proc name: Death (/mob/proc/Death)
source file:,488
usr: {NPC}Strong Hollow (/mob/stronghollow)
src: Byakuya (/mob/Byakuya)
call stack:
Byakuya (/mob/Byakuya): Death({NPC}Strong Hollow (/mob/stronghollow))
{NPC}Strong Hollow (/mob/stronghollow): Bump(Byakuya (/mob/Byakuya))
{NPC}Strong Hollow (/mob/stronghollow): Move(Outside (71,84,2) (/turf/Outside/Path), 1)
{NPC}Strong Hollow (/mob/stronghollow): New(Outside (69,81,2) (/turf/Outside/Path)
I need a lil help if anyone is willing
![]() Mar 15 2015, 6:00 pm
You'll want to post the code too..
thats the part i have no idea about idk what is specifically erroring cause it doesnt tell me but i went into proc and grabbd the proc,death if it helps any
mob proc Death(mob/M) if(!src) return if(!src.client)return if(!M) return if(src.npc) = src.mhealth if(src.ispedal) = src.mhealth if( = src.mhealth if(src.stype == "Zaraki"&& <= 0) src.zarrandom = rand(1,2) if(src.zarrandom == 1) if( >= 1) return view(8) << "[src] grins as his reiatsu and strength goes off the charts...!" view(8) << "[src]: Now we're having fun!!!!!!!!!!!" = src.mhealth/2 src.attack *= 2 src.rei *= 2 return |
BYOND hub reports port 88 can be reached by players.
runtime error: bad client proc name: Death (/mob/proc/Death) source file:,487 usr: 0 src: Byakuya (/mob/Byakuya) call stack: Byakuya (/mob/Byakuya): Death({NPC}Strong Hollow (/mob/stronghollow)) the cero (/obj/cero): Bump(Byakuya (/mob/Byakuya)) the cero (/obj/cero): Move(Outside (71,84,2) (/turf/Outside/Path), 1)---- when i host thats the error |
Put your code in between DM tags:
<DM> Code goes here </DM> LIKE THIS Second, you want Developer Help for code problems. Third, the runtime error tells you the file and line number where the error occured. The error indicates, line 488. So you'll also have to tell us which line is line 488. |
if(M.enemy&&src.race == "Human") |
The problem is that src doesn't have a client.
input() can only be shown to players. Just check to make sure the mob has a client before using input. if(src.client&&M.enemy&&src.race == "Human") |
if(M.enemy&&src.race == "Human") |
oops i meant this
if(src.client&&M.enemy&&src.race == "Human") |
Don't copy and paste from the forums, it adds spaces instead of actual tabs, hence the issue.
Fix the indentation of the code in DreamMaker.. |
Couple quick tips. Close your DM tags.
<DM> <- this one goes before your code. </DM> <- this one goes after your code. Otherwise, your posts get really hard to read. And definitely remember that Developer Help is for code problems for your next one, right? Fix that indentation like ATHK said, and you should be in good shape. Also, here's some quick pointers for how to read runtime errors, as I'm sure you'll run into them in the future: runtime error: bad client proc name: Death (/mob/proc/Death) source file:,487 usr: 0 src: Byakuya (/mob/Byakuya) call stack: Byakuya (/mob/Byakuya): Death({NPC}Strong Hollow (/mob/stronghollow)) the cero (/obj/cero): Bump(Byakuya (/mob/Byakuya)) the cero (/obj/cero): Move(Outside (71,84,2) (/turf/Outside/Path) The first line tells you what runtime error you got. "bad client" in this case. That will give you a small clue what's wrong. These are usually a little ambiguous, so don't worry. The second line will tell you the procedure where the error occured. The third line will tell you the file and the line number where the error happened. The fourth and fifth line will give you the values of usr, and src for the procedure that was running. In this case, it tells you that there was no usr (which means that it was running on an NPC), and src was a mob/Byakuya... Whatever that is. The rest of the runtime is called the call stack. It tells you what functions led to the calling of this one. In this case, you can tell that the Death proc was called on an instance of /mob/Byakuya with an argument of: "{NPC}Strong Hollow", whose type was /mob/stronghollow. Death was called from /obj/cero's Bump proc, with an argument of an instance of /mob/Byakya. Bump was called from /obj/cero's Move proc attempting to move to (71,84,2). That's all there is to reading runtime errors. They give you a lot of really good information that will help you debug your problems. You just have to look for the line number and use the description of the runtime error to figure out what might be causing it. |