Hello everyone , Max here..

Ok so , since the WebC can run oon most android phones/tablets i wanted to post this Tutorial to make ya all know how to open those games

ok follow this steps and make sure you read all of this well :

step 1 :
Look for a server

You can find a server in games HUB , there will be a link with title [play in webcilent] , once you click it a new tap will open
(here is a example for those links )

step 2 :
Wait or Fix

Once you found a working server wait until the game downloads , if not follow this steps to fix this :
1-Go to the options
2-Set it on Desktop View
3-Go back to the page
4-Done !

step 3 :
Ready to play ?

Enjoy playing !!

Notes and warnings :
-Games like Space Station 13 may not work
-Don't try playing with your mobile internet , it won't be a great idea...
-WIFI may be a good idea if you want to play well..
-If you set your browser on desktop view and still dosn't work then try useing another browser or your phone/taplet can't run that server
-SS13 could crush your browser (for who has 100Mbs or lower ram on his phone..)

I hope this tutorial is useful for you guys ^__^
what is a taplet
what is webc
In response to Super Saiyan X
Super Saiyan X wrote:
what is a taplet
what is webc

GatewayRa wrote:
A taplet is an upcoming picture app I believe.

WebC is a MN radio station.

I should stop typeing fast , this is starting to be annoying
And webc is short word for the webcilent

P is not really near B, and you've spelt it that way in a few posts.
In response to A.T.H.K
A.T.H.K wrote:
P is not really near B, and you've spelt it that way in a few posts.

Noted that o.o