Most objects did not properly record the time of their last icon/state change, which caused animated icons with finite loops to behave incorrectly. (This is not yet implemented for turfs.)
BYOND Version:507.1254
Operating System:Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
Web Browser:36.0.1985.143
Applies to:Webclient
Status: Resolved (507.1255)

This issue has been resolved.
Test project here:

Descriptive Problem Summary:
If you set an object's icon_state to an animated icon_state that is not set to loop indefinitely, only the first frame of the animation is displayed when using the webclient. However, if the icon_state animation is set to loop indefinitely, everything works properly.

In the above demo clicking on either of the cards will show the bug. It's the same for both atoms on the map and in client.screen.
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
Most objects did not properly record the time of their last icon/state change, which caused animated icons with finite loops to behave incorrectly. (This is not yet implemented for turfs.)