Game Mechanics and Other Info.
When on the ground:
Double click to pick them up. Items on the ground will only be lost after a server is rebooted.
When in inventory:
Click to equip - shown by green E. Right click to drop items as well as scrap unused items for material. Double click food to eat.
(Click enemies within 1 space to attack - a red cross hair shows up over them if you can attack)
Has a 50% chance to stun zombies if attack damage is <50. Weapons above 50 damage will still have a 50% chance of stunning but will also have a 50% chance of a one hit kill, otherwise, the zombie will receive a knock back.
Melee weapons also have a durability. Once the durability reaches zero, the weapon will break.
(Click and hold on an enemy to target them and then release for 2x damage and chance of head shot or click to shoot) Wait until a green circle pops up, when it does, release the mouse button to shoot the enemy. This will have a chance of killing the enemy or doing 2x damage. Automatic weapons will fire as soon as you put the mouse over the enemy so be careful if your safety is off.
Projectile weapons do not have a durability but they have a chance to jam. Certain guns, however, will never jam since they are more simple but are also not as damaging as more complex firearms. (The revolver, bolt action rifle, and the pump shotgun will not jam. The pistol, ar15, and semi-auto shotgun have a chance to jam. While, the machine pistol, scar, and auto shotgun are very likely to jam.)
(Click containers to loot)
Find cabinets, fridges, shelves, coolers, tool boxes, ammo boxes, and gun bags to loot items. Items found are random and will respawn but are frequently empty. If your inventory is full when you loot a container, it will drop at your feet.
(Toggle sprint with the space bar)
Sprinting makes the player move faster but it also drains the hunger meter very fast. Just remember that in Last of the Living, sprinting is used to "get away" not "get around".
(Shown as a blue icon over your well being icon in the lower left of the HUD)
Hunger constantly diminishes at one point every 5 seconds. After your hunger reaches 0, you will begin to starve to death.
(Shown as a vertical meter in the shape of a human in the lower left of the HUD)
Zombies hurt you with every attack and players will be able to hurt you if PVP is enabled. You will die if your health reaches zero - pretty straight forward, however, you will also die and become a zombie if your infection becomes greater than your health.
(Shown as a vertical meter overlapping the health meter in the lower left of the HUD)
Getting attacked by a zombie will almost always cause infection. Graphically, infection is similar to the health meter except it fills from bottom to top as it progresses. If, at any point, the infection gets worse than the health meter you will die and become a zombie.
There are 4 stages to the infection in Last of the Living:
1. Infected; anything over zero, will progress until it is stopped or player dies.
2. Starting to feel it; over 30, player will no longer be able to eat food and will no longer be able to run but will also no longer starve to death. Will start to look ill.
3. Turning; over 60, zombies will go for other players instead, they will show no interest in the player unless they are within 5 spaces. (will make it so these infected players will have a chance of biting other survivers that get too close - future update)
4. Death; if at any point your health is lower than your infection you will die and become a zombie.
Low morality will mark you as a bandit which means you can be killed without repercussions. You will lose morality if you kill other players and will gain morality if you heal them or complete side missions.
(Toggle saftey with Z)
By default it is on and up to the host to disnable it. Will be disabled inside safe houses. Killing other players will greatly reduce your morality unless the other player attacks you first. Note: you have 60 seconds to kill somebody that attacks you (self defense), after that you will lose morality.
Regular; brown shirts, will hurt the player and most likely infect them
Grabbers; brown shirts with arms out, similar to regular zombies but will also grab players. NOTE: free yourself by killing a zombie within melee range.
Decayed; blue shirts, will hurt player as well as add large amount of infection. NOTE: keep your distance, you will die quick.
Bloated; red shirts, similar to decayed zombies but will also explode upon dying. The explosion will deal a large amount of infection damage to any player within two spaces.
Fresh; yellow shirts (also, a player that becomes a zombie will turn into a fresh zombie and have that player's shirt color), similar to a regular zombie but it is the same speed as a player's walk speed.
Day/Night Cycle:
A day is 24 minutes long in real time - 14 min day 10 min night. During the day decayed zombies and bloated zombies are uncommon but at night they become more popular. Because of this, players will have to be even more evasive at night.
In Game Chat:
(Press ENTER to type a message)
The default chat is limited to other players in 25 spaces (outside 25 they can't hear you). You can, however, use the walkie-talkie. The walkie-talkie allows other players to hear you as long as they have their's on as well. NOTE: walkie-talkies require batteries.
(Buy skill points inside safe houses)
Each point unlocks an inventory slot.
Faster sprint speed
-1 hunger every 10 seconds instead of every 5 seconds
Fastest sprint speed
Melee attacks don't use hunger
-1 hunger every second of sprint instead of -2 hunger every second of sprint
NOTE: only works for semi auto projectiles
each level makes it faster to target enemies & level 1 makes it so you can unjam guns
Each level makes you regain more health when healing yourself and other. Level 5 allows you to stop the infection. NOTE: the accumulated infection will not go away, it will only no longer progress.
Each level of crafting makes it so crafted weapons become even stronger.
Each level of scavenger makes it so when you find objects with a quantity, you get a larger amount. NOTE: you won't be more likely to find things, you'll just receive more when you do.
Pretty basic setup of popup windows. Allows players to trade supplies and objects for other supplies, objects, and even cash.
Feb 17 2014, 10:35 pm (Edited on Sep 27 2014, 2:31 pm)
Feb 18 2014, 7:04 am
And what do you do about combat once your bat breaks? I couldn't find a way to buy another one.
In response to Lugia319
Have to search through containers for new weapons or if you have enough money you can purchase recipes to craft your own weapons.
In response to Goku90504
Nope, you only lose the cash on you and any items that can be dropped will be put in a bag, matching your shirt color, on the ground.