To receive your Host-Admin powers, you must be signed into byond on the account that you're hosting under through DreamDaemon.
Upon logging in you will receive a verifying message that will confirm your Admin status and give you your verbs.
These are your verbs and what they do;
Announce: Sends a message to all players in the top right output box.
Reboot: Automatically Reboots your game through ingame command.
Build: Creates an Item or Object that you choose, enter in the amount to be created then, click on screen where you want it to spawn.
Mute: Mute's a player from global chat for specified time.
Boot: Kick's selected player off of the game temporarily, they can join back.
Ban: Permanently disables a player's character, they will have to remake in order to play again. There is no way to reverse disabling a character so use as a last resort, or use byond's built in host-banning system.
Edit: Allows Hoster to edit the variables of indiviual Players, Items, Objects, Turfs. Use at your own risk, if you are not familiar with a variable you are liable to screw something up.
Teleport: Teleports you to a specific location or to any ingame npc/player listed.
Summon: Teleports a specified npc/player to your location.
ClearItems: Deletes all items that are on the ground; used to clear up any extra lag due to excessive stuff on the ground.
Add-Mod: Allows the game host to add trusted players to their game as "Moderators".
Upon receiving Moderator, the newly promoted player will have to relog in order for their abilities to work.(Moderator Powers: Mute,Boot,Teleport,Boot,Summon,and ClearItems.)
Allows the game host to add highly trusted players to their game as an "Administrator".
Upon receiving Admin, the newly promoted player will have to relog in order for their abilities to work.(Admin Powers: Mute,Boot,Teleport,Summon,ClearItems,Announce,Ban,Build,Boot, and Reboot.)
For easy access to your verbs I recommend that you make macros of them and bind them to an unused key.
Nov 7 2013, 4:56 am (Edited on Nov 7 2013, 12:43 pm)