(See the best response by Kumorii.)
Hi everybody.
Where can I find my Byond Key, and what's a ckey?
And, where cai I set myself to be admin in my SpaceStation 13 (Baystation12) server?
Best response
Hi Gry,

Your BYOND key is "Gry", that's your username. Your ckey is the "canonical" (that's the 'c' part) version of that, which is effectively a stripped-down version that's all lowercase and doesn't include any punctuation. In your case, that would be "gry".

I'm not familiar with the SS13 codebase, so I can't tell you how they handle setting administrators. Try seeing if they have any documentation on it.
In response to DarkCampainger
DarkCampainger wrote:
Your ckey is the "canonical" (that's the 'c' part) version of that.

You learn something new every day.
Thanks a lot, I really needed it.
Again, thanks.