After opening several files and making different code changes, attempting to compile the project source causes the compiler to freak out and do all kinds of freaky things "such as tell me that -4 isn't a number"
Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
Open several code files (let's say like, 15)
Make changes in each code file
Should give you the problem right away
If it doesn't, open more things to take up more IDE memory (like some icons) or make a lot of code changes and Compile
Here's compiler's complaints for example:
loading Eternia.dme
loading interface.dmf
code\interface\menu\ : expected a constant expression
code\interface\menu\ : expected a constant expression
code\interface\menu\ : expected a constant expression
code\interface\menu\ : expected a constant expression
code\interface\menu\ : expected a constant expression
code\interface\menu\ : expected a constant expression
code\interface\menu\ : expected a constant expression
code\social\ : expected a constant expression
code\social\ : expected a constant expression
code\titlescreen\ : expected a constant expression
code\titlescreen\ : expected a constant expression
code\titlescreen\ : expected a constant expression
code\map\obj\ : expected a constant expression
code\map\obj\ -16: bad number
code\map\ -8: bad number
code\map\obj\ -2: bad number
code\map\obj\ -4: bad number
Expected Results:
Eternia isn't even that big of a code base, and not a huge game, I would expect it to compile very easily. Its quite shocking that it has any trouble compiling.
Actual Results:
I often have to close and re-open dream maker many times before it will compile.
Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often? Very often
In other games? None of my own sources do this, but none of my own sources are this big yet
In other user accounts? n/a
On other computers? n/a
When does the problem NOT occur?
Re-opening Dream Maker and trying to compile. Sometimes it will take multiple attempts.
Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? This got better with 499 but is still a problem.
There are none =(