So we've pretty much went underground for the past few months. during this time we worked on on the spirit Age engine.
Spirit Age Engine is a game development kit made specifically for spirit age. Its main objective was the remove the boundaries between conception,design and implementation. what this means is that we removed the 'Need' for programmers to code in content.
The Engine consists of several key components which are:
1. AI and behavioral editor: AI editor basically allows us to take an NPC AI template and alter it. With This we can create Unique NPCs with Smarter AI without have to write any code.
2. 'Live' Map editor: This was the first feature that made its way into the engine and what encouraged us to go through with making a full range of development tools. The map editor allows us to create the world at run time, without the need for programming. This way is a lot more useful than the DMM editor as it fully emphasizes collaboration of multiple users. This even has future 'Live' modding capabilities! more on that at a later date. No one but the programmer ever comes in interaction with the source so we never have to worry about someone turning around and ruin everything we've worked for. we can even define custom bounding boxes and terrain elevations which is crucial for the platforming aspect of spirit age.
3. Event scripting- The event editor allows us to script and create events at run time, no code required. With this editor we're able to design events, script actions and write dialogue.
Heres a video demonstration made by Ishuri.
Disclaimer its long and boring for anyone who doesn't understand whats going on. video quality is bad and Ishuri apologies for doing such a poor job explaining.
4. Item editor- With this editor we can Add, items directly to the game, and change every aspect of that weapon from attacking ability to its knock back ability or alternate effects.
alot of place holders are used
5. NPC editor: Create new, or edit existing NPCS at run time change everything from custom bonding boxes to all available attributes.
Just to give you guys how powerful the engine is heres a shot of me spawning 1000 mobs in a small area with no major performance loss.

Now ive been seeing alot of people jumping on the bandwagon that spirit age is all about graphics with no actual substance. we're not professional developers, and its sad that we get such little feedback but rather rude insults. Hopefully this post informs the misguided. Spirit Age is not just all about graphics, we care equally if not more about game play.
EDIT: ill edit the post later as I have to head out for work, cheers!
All over, the idea is cool...