| can u plz make dragon ball live hostable and give us all verbs if we can host i love it and im sad when your not their …
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| K so, I asked a bunch of people after replaying a bit of Buu's Fury and they all seemed to agree. The ki attack system …
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| I was thinking it might be pretty cool to have 2 or 3 co-leaders for clans. let me know what you think..
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| 1) Simple idea for kamehameha and final flash, this would require a % amount of ki to use each ability, the longer you …
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| I was thinking how a lot of people ask for/about a dragon radar. So i was thinking that maybe you could go to baba and …
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| Warp Kamehameha: Must have a target, will Zanzo you directly in front of the target and Kamehameha them in the face. 50 …
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| I was thinking perhaps after wishing for all the skills possible using the BSDB you could get a new wish that would …
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| Ive played the game fora a good while and Ive watched it grow and become better and better and the only thing that …
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