Legend of Another World

by Xirre
Legend of Another World
A Fantasy game made to be played with RP or PVP but only one. It is the choice of the Admins.
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A Fantasy game made to be played with RP or PVP but only one. It is the choice of the Admins.
Well, I'm going to start doing some requests for high quality stuff in the game from the beginning to the end. This is …
http://www.byond.com/forum/ ?post=1303231 will tell you all about this topic.
So, as I have been busy after graduating high school I have been working on creating a Shell Server for BYOND. Now that …
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I have successfully retrieved my files for this game off of my virtual machine. I will now be coding it on my new …
So far today I have gotten to the point of fixing all verbs to vote, attack, administrate, and use informatics (Health …