| A number of changes have been made in BYOND 515 that may impact games. These are some of the things to be aware of and …
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| If your game uses accented or non-English characters at all, you definitely need to update it for Unicode support in …
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| Post your gamepad settings here!
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| video cameras don't work.
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| Hello, this thread will include everything i got to say about new overhaul so far. Disclaimer: I have around 10 years …
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| we went from being to support ~80 players with a maptick budget of 40% to being able to support ~200.
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| Overall it's very nice to see the tools getting updates. Palette is great, zoom is helpful, objects borders are useful …
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| Well, I unfortunately decided to update to 514 and swap to the stable build, because "What's the worst that could …
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| I've been tinkering around with vis_contents, making a couple of mockups of what a multi z-level rendering system would …
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| It's REALLY nice that things in vis_contents glide around correctly, however if they move into a turf that doesn't have …
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| Am I forced to use the "Gamepad Setup" window to actually map buttons on the gamepad so that they're recognized by the …
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| The character creation screen on my game is instance 20 on the map. All had been working perfectly until i tried to …
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| Descriptive Problem Summary: if i hold left to move my character after clicking the chat log to get out of the text …
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| Dunno if this is the right forum but I noticed that 511 lags notably more than 510. I noticed that just by trying to …
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| Earlier today, I was able to play /tg/station 13. After the graphics got messed up (as in, I was looking at a black …
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| So I was trying to download the beta for BYOND so I can play Space Station 13 when I got a message on my computer …
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| The last available beta build for FreeBSD is 511.1366. Any chance a newer build could be done? Looking for 511.1377 or …
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| (511.1351) I don't know if it's placebo, but it feels like setting client.fps to 100 is noticeably smoother than …
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| Is it possible to remove the web-client status bar (circled in red)? Also is there a way to disable the full screen …
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| So..are the plans to continue developing the web client? or has it's function-ability peaked?
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| The WebClient is refreshing web content differently than DreamSeeker in at least two ways. Not sure if either of these …
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| Is there any way to toggle this new maptext quality on and off? I like the addition, but there's a cool outline shadow …
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| Hey, the performance in the WebClient is looking really good in recent 510 builds. Drag operations are sooo much …
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| In 509.13.16, The default background color for output controls appears white in Dream Seeker as expected. In the …
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| I have a problem using the web-client, I was told I did not need to do anything as the web-client should handle all the …
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| A 509 alpha would be great.
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| There are some bugs that occur on the web client when playing Space Station 13 Colonial Marines on Mac OS X 10.10.5 …
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| I have a few questions on the new icon editor. This is more directed to Lummie but if anyone else knows the answers, …
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| I figured i'd try windows 10, as I really hate windows 8.1. When using this it defaults to Project Spartan rather than …
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| There are some fixes in 508 that I'm waiting for before I can start publicly testing NEStalgia with the web client. I'm …
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| 1279 This is stumping me a little bit and I'm wondering if I'm running into memory/heap corruption or something from …
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| We are using that function to get some logs. There's no instructions at run reference on what proc should be used.
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| Will it be possible to disable the Login popup in the webclient? An option to do so would be neat, as some projects and …
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| Hi, I've been working on a single player BYOND game for quite a while now and I decided to try it out on the web …
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| I'm testing my game on a mobile device and have a few questions. Where are we at (roughly) with supporting mobile …
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| Just loaded up the new embeded WebClient in full-screen for the first time and a giant loud advertisement just smacked …
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| Seems that some games/web game won't load in Chrome due to Chrome's "Unsafe Port" checking A good example is Xirres …
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| I created a project last night and just started testing with others just to find out it kicks them at random when …
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| I've seen it in a post somewhere but I can't seem to find the supporting documentation for the WebClient. Anyone have a …
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| I just installed the new beta Byond in my linux it installed perfectly and tryed to use the new webclient feature when …
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| While bugs should still be reported to the Beta Bugs (or Bug Reports), this thread is to track down games that work and …
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| Everything seems like it runs great. No major issues that I've noticed. However, it seems like part of the screen gets …
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| I am trying to make the map zoom in to a bigger icon size, but this doesn't seem to work. Can anyone else confirm this …
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| It's necessary, but how can it be done? One way is to supposedly use canvas.imageSmoothingEnabled = false, but I …
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| For BYOND.com, games launched through the webclient, shouldn't the name of page reflect either the name of the hub, or …
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| Hey - With the previous beta releases, Pager would notify of new beta versions. Could this be re-added if not too much …
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| Struggling with this one. I'm trying to create a damage indicator that shows over the mob when it takes damage. - The …
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| While I appreciate the confirmation that threading is enabled, my error logs are being spammed with the lines: Starting …
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