| A original Fan Based game by Abov
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| Hey guys i just got a tablet and now let me show you the power with a tablet in my hands. expect better visuals for …
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| Hey everyone just wanted to keep you updated on what's up. I just wanna let you know that I am doing well. Still …
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| Hey guys just to let you guys know that I am alive and this game is too. Right now i added a couple status effects …
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| So I've been working hard. All by myself T.T forever alone. JWLee1 will no longer be working on the game(wont go on …
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| Hey everyone just want you guys to know that my game needs administrators. You do not need any sorta special skills …
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| New Avatars I Made Enjoy :)
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| We have most of our staff but we need some moderators and other staff positions as well! Be sure to put down some …
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