| It'd be nice to finish an animation's loop gracefully.
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| Context and current issues With large projects and hundreds of animate calls, many of which are on the same object and …
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| tags for filters to make them easier to keep track of in a list, since filters can't be keyed.
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| We need a way to offset just one icon but not its children.
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| Whiskers on kittens, violent chainsaw noises, whacking things with machetes, brown paper packages tied up with string, …
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| Currently we're calling a proc that calls CRASH() for creating runtimes from byondapi. Would be helpful if there's a …
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| SS13 needs some fast routines for doing math on associated lists with numbers as the associated values.
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| Once we have a baked in /coord type, vectors are the logical next step for working with them. This would necessitate …
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| In my recent game jam entry, I found myself doing a lot of overrides to New() to allow easy creation of atoms off the …
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| Built-in interpolation please!
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| Y'know how this: if(a) a.thingy() now has ?. as useful syntactic sugar for it? a?.thingy() It'd be useful if there was …
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| Give me call stack access!
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| Associative lists without regular list baggage would be helpful.
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| Handling switch() and for() like C would be nice.
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| A way to preload external libraries and avoid looking up their functions every time would be nice.
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| Chromium Embedded Framework is very easy to implement and it would add SO much power to BYOND. It would also mean …
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| We need the ability to specify what ip and port to use to the byond hub if we want to override the automatic detection …
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| I'm not opening this as a bug because the current behavior remains intended, but- Following 513.1490, isobj has been in …
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Not Feasible |
| Dark Mode Dream Maker for the long NIGHTS
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| I want static initializers, so I've got a nice little monstrosity based off self-enumeration and a macro (hi GLOB!): …
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| A newly created empty list uses 24 bytes of memory, a list with zero items but used to have 1 item, uses 104 bytes.
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| __IMPLIED_TYPE__ is only effective when it is written on a line where a variable is declared. This is a bit limited to …
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| Just as the name suggests, a new appearance flag to reset the filters so that they aren't inherited in a vis stack.
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| A few list-mimicking overloads for other userland data structures would be helpful since we can already overload …
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| Can we get a built in Bumped() proc that is called on the object that is bumped into? I'm sure this has been requested …
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| Pretty straightforward. Would be nice for my workflow to be able to open .json files in Dream Maker. ?obless @LummoxJR
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| Would be very nice to be able to pass a list into animate() I currently have the following for my character rig: …
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| Would like to be able to change appearance_flags on-step in animate(). Currently it is not a supported variable, though …
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| The backend doesn't know that different frames in an icon can have different visual extents because of transparency …
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| This one's probably insane.
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| I am not crazy. Look, hear me out. I know this is wild, but it's really well thought out, and I think it-- wait, don't …
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| Basically, this computes the distance between the origin and a point (x, y) on the Euclidean plane. Equivalently, …
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| Particles were a neat addition for pretty visuals that are offloaded to the client but transformations can look off …
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| Mainly a QOL thing, and basically what it says on the tin. i.e. flick uses an icon state with 3 frames with a delay of …
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| It would be nice if we could work with both the file() proc and files included via 'resource.dmm' directly in ByondAPI …
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| atom/movable proc, returns the turf the mob is on, after you go down the loc tree of atoms in atoms in atoms. same for …
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| My Findings I was investigating how Pointers work in DM, and I came to discover that no matter what -- a pointer to a …
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| So Ter and I have been chit-chatting about a visual effect I'm trying to pull off that involves trying to get an …
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| A little but useful option for a displacement map filter.
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| More Displacement map/Alpha mask filters flexibility.
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| Expose the hidden flag overlays use to retain dir
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| It'd be nice if we could do inline typecasting, mostly for cases where a macro acts like a proc - procs can have return …
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| Description It would be nice if we were given more control over pixel offsets by expanding on what options are …
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| Often when importing tilesets, there are a lot of blank/empty icon states that come along with it. It would be very …
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| Currently, Byond_New takes a really long time if you pass string arguments. It would be nice if this could be sped up …
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| Setting up instances is kind of a pain in the ass. I frequently find myself struggling to remember the exact path to a …
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| The Problem It would be very helpful if there was a convenient way to only alter the visual_bounds for an atom. The use …
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