BYOND 4.0 Version 441.1019 Release Notes
Fixes (more info>
- world.Export() was sometimes returning unexpected bytes in the CONTENT field (Schinitzelnagler)
- Key names with ".[0-9]" in them were unable to login to games (
- Pasting a very long string into the pager's Open Location box could cause a crash. (Latoma)
- DreamMaker's "Make EXE" function was crashing if supplied with an invalid .ICO file (Aaiko)
- DreamMaker's "Recent Font" dialog for the interface editor was not properly storing underline and strike-through settings. (Falacy)
- Some of DreamMaker's menu items weren't appearing in certain editing modes. (Falacy)
- The Linux DreamDownload program was failing to parse certain urls. (Stephen001)
- The pager has a few interface (flicker) improvements, although most of the changes in this build are internal preparation for a later release.
- DreamDaemon now shows the name of the current world in the system tray's tooltip text. (Falacy)
- The new variable, client.computer_id, can be used to identify a user's machine, useful for better banning systems. It's the same id used when a user logs in as Guest (eg, N in Guest-N). (AJX)
- The ICONDIR and ICONFRAME tags can be used to isolate a particular direction and frame in an embedded icon (output to text or grid). Example:
usr << "
Assuming a multidirectional, animated icon, this will display the 2nd NORTH frame. (Unknown Duelist)
- The browser control can now be used to execute javascript via the output() command. The format is:
target << output("[params]","[control]:[scriptname]")
where "[params]" is a url-encoded list of string arguments to the javascript function, as formatted by list2params(). Example:
. = ..()
usr << output(\
This text can change.
And this can't.
#define LP(str) list2params(list(str))
mob/verb/newtext(T as text)
usr << output(LP(T),"browser1:replace")
This allows for the creation of more dynamic interfaces, since javascript provides access to many client-side operations and flicker-free updates.
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