is there a way to change the background color of the hub info box. im not talking about the super info hub where people actually log into your game but the small info box that gives u a breif summary of the game. is there a way to change that color using CSS or u can just use CSS to change he hub info only?
Jun 23 2006, 1:30 pm
In response to Killer22
Although I dont like it as much as Killer's heres another (note, not mine just happened to stumble on it after reading this post :P) Dragonball_GT_The_Final_Battle |
In response to Anthony7
but... yours sucks :p
In response to Killer22
<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
Bug? That's the first line of the hub and it doesn't look customized to me. |
In response to Gumshoe
hmm... uh oh... i think Byond no like my css usage >.<
that, or i did something |
In response to Killer22
Ok, this may sux, but you are no longer allowed to use style tags... BOOO!
I don't think there is any other hub like it :D It, make my page original!