Maptext + Outline

by Zohan98
A simple library [More]
To download this library for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://Zohan98.MaptextOutline##version=0

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Latest Version
Date added: Apr 17 2013
Last updated: Apr 18 2013
1 fan
| |
| USAGE: |
| ______ |
| |
| CODE: |
| src.Dyn.add_mt("Message string", "color", "font",maptext_width,maptext_height) |
| for the colors... i went ahead and provided some incoded ones.... you can use the followings: |
| green, orange, yellow, blue, red, purple, pink, white. Or you could use a hex color depending on you... |
| if you do NOT use a color from what i stated above and do NOT use a hex color |
| (meaning not including the "#" in your code number) The proc will automatically assign it |
| to white... |
| var/obj/hud = src.Dyn.add_mt("Greetings!","white","Consolas",25,25) |
| hud.screen_loc = "CENTER" |
| src.client.screen += hud |
| By: Zohan98 |

if the dl link doesn't work besure to try dis:


Dark-DVF: (Apr 21 2013, 6:37 am)
I don't see why having its own style is a bad thing? It's like being +=phobic -__- You don't make much sense, you seem to hate people's style and think that your style is the best? I can guarantee that Galactic Soldier has more Experience than you. You have no proof of saying that those codes are not "Good" codes.
Zecronious: (Apr 20 2013, 10:19 pm)
Write your code as shitty as you want then, it won't impact performance and I never said that but everyone will despise using your code or coding with you. I'm talking about other people using his code, I thought you would've read that.
Dark-DVF: (Apr 20 2013, 12:10 pm)
Yeah he's right!
ExPixel: (Apr 20 2013, 11:39 am)
Zecronious wrote:
There's a difference between writing code that works and writing good code. Go to any decent learning institution and they'll tell you the same. When you're writing code for yourself at home, it doesn't matter, no one cares. When you're writing code for other people to use, then it really matters because people shouldn't have to decipher your work before they can use it. Code should be self explanatory and consistent. top-15-best-practices-for-writing-super-readable-code/

If you want to be a good programmer you need to create good programming practices or people won't take you or your code seriously.

I see your code and just think oh my god InstaNub. The only reason I didn't leave your code immediately was because people are downloading your source for teaching purposes and you're teaching other people very poor habits.

This has been a long standing problem with BYOND. It's a library, you're not suppose to be poking through it in the first place. If the code works and it works well, people use it by following whatever documentation is given. I would also like to mention that ++ and +=1 are interchangeable and it's really more about preference. In my opinion +=1 is more readable than ++ because it is more obvious (I still use ++ thought because I can just press the same key twice).
Zohan98: (Apr 20 2013, 3:07 am)
I'll be sure, to keep that in mind.