Adam AI Chat Game Plugin

by Zelldot
AI chat bot plugin for BYOND games [More]
To download this demo for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://Zelldot.AIChatGamePlugin##version=3

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version 1.03
Date added: Oct 15 2021
Last updated: Aug 26 2024
6 fans
The first learning artificial intelligent chat as an easy editable application, this is the game code for game creators to insert created brain files using AIChat into their games!

This code allows NPC's talking to start talking, based on the original design of AIChat / AdamAI.

You can edit the AI brain file using the any version of AIChat, Nostalgia or V5, save files are forward and backward compatible, you can also host and share your brain files with the main application online:

Here is another of bit public script also available to download: AdamAIChatBrainMapper

To read more about AIChat / AdamAI, visit:

Currently the default brain file that comes with the game script is the brain file from V5.35

End User Licence Agreement ("EULA"): end-user-licence-agreement-eula.html

keywords: adam adom atom tom ai chat aichat adomai atomai adamai adomchat tomchat tomai adamai atomaichat adomaichat tomaichat adamchat adamaichat dom domai domaichat domchat don donai donaichat donchat