Gap-Nudge Movement |
Pixel movement that navigates through gaps and around corners. Also combines cardinal key presses into diagonal movement. [More] |
To download this library for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:
DreamDownload byond://Woo.GapNudgeMovement##version=10 Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:byond://Woo.GapNudgeMovement##version=10 |
Gap-Nudge Movement
A BYOND library By Tyruswoo "Woo" Includes: movement_macros.dms Enhances pixel movement by allowing the player's mob to detect nearby gaps in the direction the player is trying to move, and then nudging the player's mob towards the gap. Never again fear pixel movement through narrow doorways! Collisions with turf, mobs, objects, or any other atom are all handled to allow finding any nearby gap. Using two cardinal direction keys to move diagonally is also included. For example, if you press the Up and Right keys, you will move diagonally to the northeast. To test this library out, login and try to move through small gaps in walls or around corners. Your mob will be able to find any nearby gaps through which to move. Version Notes:
Terms: If you use one or more of my libraries in your game, please credit me (as Woo or Tyruswoo) and leave a link back to one of the following: my website, my BYOND site, my YouTube channel, or the webpage of the library you used. Optionally, you could also give me a free subscription to your game, if you like! Join the Tyruswoo BYOND community! |
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