bstrlib |
String manipulation functions [More] |
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Dec 23, 2:31pm ~ Fix the bug in wordwrap. Also now trim removes tabs also. Dec 23, 1:59am ~ I am aware of a bug in wordwrap, where if certain things occur it prints a single extra endline. I will fix it tomarrow. Documentation: --Tokenizer class-- Used to split a string by a specified pattern over time. Unlike a classic function such as split which actually splits the string into a array this just returns the string for one element at a time. I feel this is much more efficient. This is a seriously stripped down version of java's tokenizer. example of use: var/Tokenizer/t t=new("Hello|World","|") while(t.more() !=0) world << output: Hello World functions: startsWith(base as text,find as text) --Trys to find a pattern at the begining of a string. endsWith(base as text,find as text) --Trys to find a pattern at the end of a string. trim(base as text) --Removes leading and trailing whitespace from a string. charAt(base as text,at as num) --Returns a character in a string at a specific index. replace(base as text,find as text,replace as text) --Replaces all instances of a pattern with another string. chomp(base as text) --Removes the final character of a string only if its a end-line. chop(base as text) --Removes the final character of a string. join(token as text,base[]) --Converts a array of strings into a single string placing a --specified pattern between the elements of the array split(token as text,base as text) --Opposite of join; creates a array of strings form a single --string, using a pattern as the breaking point toCharArray(base as text) --Converts a string into a array of characters wordWrap(base as text,numChars as num) --Inserts endlines every so many characters. The limit is set via --numChars and it will not devide a word in half it back pedals to --a space and inserts it there. During testing it moved through a 40k --string in a average of 5 miliseconds. count(base as text,token as text) --Counts the number of instances of a specified pattern that exist in --a string reverse(base as text) --Reverses a string of characters. I cant reccomend doing this to --anything bigger than 10000 characters. During tests it took about --10 miliseconds to push through a stack that big. Icon is from nuvola 1.0</<> |
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