Edge Slide Demo

by Ter13
Pixel Movement with diagonal and half-edge sliding. [More]
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DreamDownload byond://Ter13.EdgeSlideDemo##version=3

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Version 1.0b
Date added: Jan 9 2014
Last updated: Aug 27 2017
7 fans
This demo shows you how to take advantage of the edge sliding commonly seen in pixel movement-enabled games like the 2D Zelda games and even tile-based games like Dragon Warrior III for the GBC.

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FKI: (Oct 10 2015, 8:49 pm)
I came across some undesirable behavior with this: in situations where the sliding atom is on a dense turf and normally could not move, the slider still manages to slide, returning a true value, when it really should fail completely.

Is there any way to change this? My current workaround is setting can_slide to false by default, and enabling it once I can ensure the mob can be created and aligned in the given location. I'd get the wrong value otherwise since sliding never seems to fail.
Ganite: (Apr 19 2014, 9:01 pm)
Nvm, I already figured that out just was to lazy to come back and say.
D-Cire: (Apr 19 2014, 4:09 pm)
Ganite wrote:
Can you make this more friendly for people who use FA keyboard lib? And not interface for controls?

Just change the verb definitions, and use F_A's key lib to call them?
Ganite: (Apr 18 2014, 8:05 pm)
Can you make this more friendly for people who use FA keyboard lib? And not interface for controls?