
by Ter13
Manage 2D location data easily with DatumPoint. Allows you to convert absolute coords to tile coords and vice-versa. [More]
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DreamDownload byond://Ter13.DatumPoint##version=5

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version 0.2
Date added: Sep 14 2013
Last updated: Aug 27 2017
0 fans
DatumPoint implements a new datum called "point". This type allows the developer to work with 2D+z points with a series of helper procs.

DatumPoint stores its data in absolute pixel coordinates, and has functions that allow the developer to rotate these points around other points, determine if it is inside of a bounding box, move movable atoms to the location denoted by a point, Clamp the point to a bounding box, as well as Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide points by each other or raw coordinate data.

For assistance using functions and their arguments, please see this post.

Please report bugs, as the current version is somewhat untested.