Typing Checker

by Ss4toby
This nifty little demo shows you how to make it to where you can tell if a person is typing or not. Also includes a character counter/limiter. [More]
To download this demo for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://Ss4toby.TypingChecker##version=2

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version 2
Date added: Jan 9 2008
Last updated: Jul 29 2009
1 fan
Have you ever wanted to add something to your game where it tells if the person was killed while typing or not? If so then this is for you!.. Also includes an easy to use/change character counter. This is basicly for those who use skins(interfaces). However, if you open a game without a custom skin(the default one), and edit its skin. You can get the names of the needed window's and controls.

Version 2: Took out the F work in the interface(I was frustrated when I was trying to make it).